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  • 3 Myths of the Spiritually Awakened

    Common spiritual "wisdom" that is actually harmful. It's truly amazing when you have an epiphany that thrusts you into a spiritual awakening and you discover a whole new reality to explore. It's inevitable that as you go on this journey, you'll be seeking new information from many sources, and will come across many new ideas - some contradicting each other, some that seem to get repeated over and over. You might be able to sense whether each new idea feels aligned to you or not, but clear discernment can be difficult when everything is so new and there is so MUCH to take in. You might somewhat assume that if a particular concept gets repeated over and over by many, that it's more likely to be correct. But, that's not necessarily the case at all. Some people simply repeat what they hear without questioning or testing it, and others actually want new seekers stalled and confused, believe it or no. So, myths and twisted or half-truths can persist quite stubbornly. When it comes to esoteric knowledge and concepts, there are a lot of commonly accepted ideas out there that I hear repeated quite often. Some are enlightening, inspiring, and empowering. 💖 Others, however, are what I see as trojan horses. They look okay from the outside, but once you take them on and put them into practice, you may find they can become rather destructive. Illuminate your shadow side Take a step off the beaten path, and join Spirit of Lotus Mystic Musings. You'll receive my powerful Dream Shadow Work Journal free! Get to the root of what's holding you back, and transform it into what you WANT to embody. In the spirit of my quest to unshackle spiritual seekers from these dangerous traps, often repeated over and over again and never questioned, I'm going to bust the three most common myths many of you encounter on your Soul journey. 🌀 Remember, beautiful Soul, always, always question EVERYTHING.​ Including the things you hear from me. I share my perspective, insights, channeled messages, and experiences, but I do not claim to speak the ultimate Truth for all. Ask questions, experiment, be open to new ideas and perspectives, seek new experiences, and look to your own intuition to align to your Truth. Myth #1️⃣ "We are all One" Oof. This is a big one. I hear it repeated SO often, both by spiritual "newbies" and the "gurus". The concept is based in the notion that at the highest levels of existence, we are all one, of the same Source. At those highest levels of density, we are pure love and integration, and there is no separation - everything and everyone are One, from the same Source, manifested through consciousness. In a certain way, this is true. All Souls are Source (or God, or Spirit, or whatever you want to call it), manifesting itself as different aspects of itself, having different experiences in different points of consciousness. However, what this idea of being all One fails to address is that there are many Souls who have chosen to express themselves in such negative ways and exist in lower frequencies for so long they have disconnected themselves from Source. They're essentially demonic souls, negative souls, or dark souls that feed off the energy and power of those who are still connected to Source. Much like fallen angels, they did originate from the same place and were once One with all else, but have chosen differently. Every Soul has the free will to choose its path, including separating itself from its Source. And each has its own reasons for making this choice. Each can also choose to once again return to the Light. They are not trapped in that state, as they still have free will, and nothing is absolute. This idea "all are One" being touted as an absolute is harmful, because it can be used to manipulate the unsuspecting into opening themselves up to be taken advantage of by those self-serving beings who want to stay under the radar. It's also often used to keep Souls from seeking to experience their reality from the perspective of the individual, unique being they have chosen to express themselves as - attempting to push them into the hive-mind so they are easier to control. Experience your Divine Awakening Feeling lost, stagnant, or confused on your life's journey, and wondering what the next step is? Learn how you can quantum leap into your Divine Awakening and discover your Soul Purpose NOW. There is much more to say about this topic, but I'm trying to keep this message as short and sweet as possible, so I'll elaborate another time. Though, keep in mind - "all One" at the Source point or not, we have chosen to incarnate as individual, unique, separate beings for good reasons, so don't let anyone discourage you from enjoying your experience in your own, beautiful way. You can, and will, return to the love and integration that is Source when you're ready. ​​Myth #2️⃣ It's very spiritual to be "in service" to others This is another sneaky one - the idea that being spiritual means you must be in service to others. It sounds noble, of course, and yet the way it's pushed leads the innocent who attempt to fulfill it straight into self-sabotage, often falling into people-pleasing patterns and lacking healthy boundaries. Being in service to others without strict, healthy boundaries in this world quickly becomes draining. Those who fall into this trap often end up lacking in their own self care to the point of being miserable and unhealthy. This is another trick of the self-serving beings who want those of the Light to give and give, insisting they cannot be truly spiritual if they maintain boundaries and require an exchange for what they give. Aligned service is when you are serving in a way that serves you in return. When you are creating from a place of alignment and love, what you put out into the world serves others in a way that effortlessly serves you, quite naturally. This kind of service is not draining at all, but fulfilling. Having healthy boundaries is necessary, as well as serving yourself first and filling your own cup before attempting to serve others. ​​Myth #3️⃣ Your Ego must "die" in order to experience a spiritual rebirth The Ego tends to get villainized quite a bit, and though it can be responsible for a lot of the fear and stuckness we experience when trying to reach our goals, it's by no means the enemy. Nor is it a part of ourselves we should be trying to "kill". This concept also doesn't work very well. Have you ever noticed how egotistical someone sounds when they want to make sure you know how spiritually advanced they are because they've experienced "Ego death"? 😉 Our Ego wants to keep us safe, and has a very important job in doing so. The problem is when we have no awareness of the role it's playing and let it run the show. It's important to be aware of your Ego and work with it. Know that the Ego doesn't like change, because as long as the status quo is "safe" (even if we're unhappy), it doesn't want to risk the unknown. An overactive Ego, however, can keep us from anything new - new experiences, new ideas and concepts, new friends, new failures, and also new successes. It simply wants to protect, protect, protect, even to the point of being detrimental. It may prevent you from taking healthy risks or cause you to lash out at imagined offenses or to keep pushing down negative emotions instead of facing and processing them. When you work on your own self-improvement, you tend to become more and more aware of the role your Ego is playing, and master it, bit by bit. Let your Ego know that you know it's only trying to protect you, but it's okay. New experiences are a good thing. New perspectives are a good thing. This is how you expand as a Soul. Trying to destroy a part of yourself only causes Soul fragmentation. Self-improvement through practices such as shadow work help you become more self-aware, more integrated, and more expanded. Illuminate your shadow side Take a step off the beaten path, and join Spirit of Lotus Mystic Musings. You'll receive my powerful Dream Shadow Work Journal free! Get to the root of what's holding you back, and transform it into what you WANT to embody. You'll be able to use your own discernment for when your Ego truly is protecting you from unmitigated and unnecessary risk, and when it's simply sabotaging you from experiencing something new that could be good for you. A healthy functioning Ego will not only keep you safe in a balanced way, but it also motivates you. Inspiration comes from your Higher Self, but the motivation to act on it comes from the Ego. Do not try to kill your Ego. Befriend your Ego. Integrate your Ego. Master your Ego. It's an essential part of your human experience. Resources: 💎 Wisdom and healing from the cosmic field: Divinely Aligned Soul Reading 💎 My shop with helpful workbooks and meditations: Cosmic Lotus Shop 💎 Energy healing session information: Distance Healing Sessions or In person sessions 💎 Subscribe to receive a beautiful Shadow Work journal: Shadow Work Journal From the desk of Neelou Saleh Spirit of Lotus How I can help you: Discover who you are at soul level and quantum leap your healing process with a Divinely Aligned Soul Reading. I have an ever-growing collection of beautiful products in my shop to help you on your journey of awakening, healing, and self-discovery. Or... Book your in-person or distance healing session: Take a walk off the beaten path, and become a Spirit of Lotus Insider. The Spirit of Lotus newsletter is all about exploring the art and science of nurturing the mind, body, and spirit - to facilitate deep healing, inner peace, immense joy, and help you shine as your true, authentic Self. You'll also receive exclusive offers and be the first to know what's new. Subscribe free below. Bonus: New subscribers get a code for 20% OFF your entire purchase in the Cosmic Lotus shop! 3 Myths of the Spiritually Awakened

  • Timelines, Past Lives, and Your Soul Path

    Spiritual Awakening Series: Part 2 How to shift and quantum leap through timelines to become more multidimensional. Read or watch! If the video is not loading below, please refresh the page. (For the links referenced in the video, click here to scroll down) This is part 2 of the Spiritual Awakening Series. You can find part 1, in which I explain the Akashic Records and the cosmic field of infinite consciousness, here: What Are The Akashic Records? We all have infinite timelines. What exactly is a timeline, and why is this important to understanding your Soul’s journey? You can think of timelines as possibilities or life paths - or, more accurately, different frequency patterns of choice. A timeline is essentially the path your Soul has its point of focus on right now. It’s the choices you make and moments in time those choices create that you consciously perceive as your current existential reality. A sequence of choices and consequences strung together within the same perceived era of time. Perception of Time Imagine you’re sitting on a rowboat in a winding river. From that rowboat, you only see your immediate area. This represents your ability to perceive only the current, present moment you’re experiencing. But, if you travel upwards to get a bird’s eye view, you can now see that the river winds and stretches endlessly in both directions. You can see that the entire river exists simultaneously, even though from your perspective down in the rowboat you could only see your immediate surroundings. Only being able to see your immediate surroundings doesn’t mean the rest of the river doesn’t also exist in that moment you’re in, it just means that you have a limited ability to perceive it from that rowboat. Meaning, your life path and choices and entire existence all exist simultaneously, but from the human perspective, you’re limited to only being able to perceive one point of focus at a time. Now, expanding this bird’s eye view even higher, you can see that this is not just one long single stretch of river with a couple of forks. There are many forks in the river. There are tributaries, and there are little side streams that flow into bigger rivers that then split off into more streams and rivers, endlessly and infinitely. Timeline Frequencies These rivers and streams are not filled with flowing water, but flowing energetic frequencies, and each one is a bit different than the next. And all of this exists within the cosmic field of infinite consciousness and infinite potential, as all that exists is created from consciousness. The river that you are currently floating down is of a frequency that you are choosing to live and uphold right now. Your daily pattern of choices resonate at a particular frequency, and you are moving down the river, or timeline, that is a match for that frequency. When you come along to a fork in the river, you notice that each fork has a different frequency, as well. And what choice you make dictates what frequency you’ll resonate at going forward, which will be a match to the flow you have moved into. From this expanded view, you can see the pattern of choices you’ve made throughout your existence that led you to the spot you’re focused on right now. If at any time, you had made a different choice, you would have taken a different side stream or fork and ended up in an entirely different river - or, rather, timeline. Choice Frequencies When I say your pattern of choices dictate your frequency, what I mean is the choices you make every day, the actions you take every day, will determine the dominant frequency pattern you resonate at, which may or may not be in alignment with the frequency of your Soul. Your Soul Path is the timeline, or pattern of choices, that resonates at the same frequency as your Divine Soul Blueprint. And, this doesn’t only pertain to what you do for a living or what your hobbies are, but all areas of life and how you choose to show up in the world. The river example is a simplification of timelines and frequency paths, but I use it to try and illustrate the concept of timelines and time and how choices and actions directly affect where you are, where you’re going, and, even where you’ve been. Illuminate your shadow side Take a step off the beaten path, and join Spirit of Lotus Mystic Musings. You'll receive my powerful Dream Shadow Work Journal free! Get to the root of what's holding you back, and transform it into what you WANT to embody. Timelines is a concept used to understand our choice patterns and trajectories, and how making shifts affects our dominant frequency, our future trajectory, and even what past timelines are in our awareness and affecting our current perspective. It shows how the frequency of our actions and reactions resonate both from the past into our present and future, and also from our present time into the future and even back into our past. Changing timelines not only changes where you are and your future trajectory, but changes your past trajectory, as well. This is why I have to include how past lives tie into all of this, but I’ll get to that in just a bit. Gradual Gradient Shifting Timelines don’t have distinct boundaries like a river, they are more of a gradient of different frequencies of existence. As we make small changes, we start to shift our frequency, and therefore our timeline, little bits at time. We don’t necessarily jump from one to the next all at once. Furthermore, I use the images and terminology like “jump” to give context in a way that is comprehensible. Timelines don’t actually exist in a particular location, nor do you actually go anywhere when you change timelines. It’s more like you manifest this new version of reality into your consciousness, bringing you a new perception, new awareness, and access to new experiences and opportunities that weren’t in your previous version of reality. You bring the new frequency to yourself and your current experience as a Soul incarnated into a physical body, you don’t get transported somewhere else. Quantum Leaps Of course, in addition to making gradual shifts, we absolutely can make big jumps, quantum leaps, and collapse timelines. In fact, people do so quite often. Big life changes can shift your reality from where it’s been to something completely different in a moment, or what feels like a moment. An example of this is when my house flooded in 2019. I was moving along on the timeline I had shifted into and gotten quite comfortable with, all the while knowing that was not where I was meant to stay. The massive shift that happened in the few minutes it took an intense freak storm to force water into my house as I watched it spread across the floor turned my world upside down. Not only did I have to temporarily move out, throw stuff out that was ruined by the water, and pack up everything that wasn’t ruined and put it in storage while the house was restored, but, I knew it was time to move on. I sold the house, shut down my business, and moved 280 miles away to start a new life with my partner of over seven years. We had carried on our relationship over a long distance for a long time, with a lot of commuting and travel. We bought a new house, I started a new business, and my son started a new school. Everything about my reality changed seemingly out of nowhere within a few months, and we were all in a completely different timeline with a completely different frequency to adjust to. When I say “we” were in a new timeline, I’m referring to the collective timeline the three of us shifted into together with all these life changes, and also our individual timelines we each experience within the collective one. Collective Timelines There are collective timelines that we share with each other in addition to our unique individual timelines we each have - individual existential realities within collective existential realities. And, there are smaller collective timelines and realities within bigger ones. But, you know what? That move was a huge shift getting me closer to the timeline that resonates at my Soul frequency. Now, I could have simply restored the house, replaced the ruined things and put everything else back, moved back in, and resumed rowing down the timeline river I was already in. I could have done that, but, also, I simply couldn’t. Physically, yes, but intuitively, I knew this was my way of pushing myself out and in the direction I needed to go. Sometimes we make it easy and just do what we feel called to, and other times we wait for the flood to come before making the move. The ego wants to stay put to keep us “safe”, while the Higher Self knows it’s time to make changes, and so we manifest a dramatic shift opportunity. Am I saying I flooded my own house? Well, from the human perspective, one would say that wasn’t possible. A tornado caused a storm that flooded the street and my yard and poured water into my house. Interestingly, my house was the only one on the block that flooded that day. Coincidence? Hmm. But, how could I have created that? Divine Creation We are the Divine Creators of our own reality, and when your awareness expands to fully encompass that, you can start to understand the mechanisms behind these kinds of events. It’s not something done from the conscious human mind. From a Divine perspective, you could say my Higher Self set that up as a fail-safe to push me along the correct path in the event I became complacent, which I had. Life was good, it was stable, but also, it was stagnant. We aren’t here to be stagnant, we’re here to CREATE. Stagnation drains your life force. It keeps you from your Soul Path. It kills growth and expansion. Creation and momentum nourish the Soul and fuel the Soul’s journey. Experience your Divine Awakening Feeling lost, stagnant, or confused on your life's journey, and wondering what the next step is? Learn how you can quantum leap into your Divine Awakening and discover your Soul Purpose NOW. The flood shook me out of my complacency and inspired me to start thinking about what I wanted to shift into next, what did I want to create - what felt like the next aligned move. Where I was at that point in my life was meant to be a stepping stone, not the final destination. Our Souls want us to remember who we really are and why we’re here. They want us to shift our 3D reality to match our true Divine frequency. Soul Path Timeline That means living a life that reflects your Soul Purpose. And if you’re in this river over here, but the one that resonates at your Soul frequency is way over there, you’re going to have to make new choices to keep changing timelines until you get to the one that matches. This means making new choices, creating new habits and patterns, healing from old traumas that keep you locked into incongruent patterns, removing karmic blocks, shedding old beliefs and programming, and consciously choosing your reactions to the world around you. It means ditching the many forms of self-sabotage keeping you small. Timelines of the Past Now, looking again at that expanded view of our rivers and streams of life. You see where you currently are, which is your Soul’s current point of focus, you see everything that’s behind you, and all the possible choices ahead of you. What’s behind you is the pattern of choices you previously made that led you to the point where you are right now - both from your current life and your past lives. Nonetheless, you see that there are plenty of other rivers running parallel to the one you’re in, and there are plenty of other rivers parallel to the ones you rowed down in the past. Let’s say you make some new choices, a few times, and from this perspective it appears you took some side streams and found your way to a new river. Here’s something curious that can happen. When you make significant shifts in your timeline, and your normal daily operating frequency changes, not only does it change the trajectory you were on for your future, but it also changes which past timelines are relevant to you now. This can actually cause a change in your past lives, and even changes your perception of the past of your current life, therefore shifting the pathway your Soul “took”, so to speak, to get you to your new point of focus. It’s not that you ditch the past lives or past experiences that you had - it’s that your awareness and consciousness expands in such a way that gives you access to other parallel timelines and those experiences, as well. And, this new part of your journey requires the lessons and choices from those alternate past timelines for you to continue moving forward and growing and expanding on this new timeline. Becoming Multidimensional So, for example, if you had a past life reading before making the shift, and it was revealed that you were a Catholic nun five lifetimes ago, you may find that a new past life reading would yield different results after the shift. Maybe now, you were a military general five lifetimes ago. But, guess what? It’s actually both. Your previous experiences don’t simply go away - you expand and your consciousness becomes more multidimensional. This is because time doesn’t exist in the linear, limited fashion in which we experience it while incarnated in a physical 3D body. All of those parallel, intertwining timelines exist simultaneously, happening all at the same time. They are all a part of your Soul’s story - that infinite journey of growth, awareness, experiences, and expansion. What shows up in a reading is what is relevant to your point of consciousness and awareness right now within that vast, numinous etheric web of your existence. Nothing is absolute, and our Souls, us, are limitless in what they can experience. What we can experience. When your consciousness and awareness shift and expand, what is relevant does, too. When you process your experiences fully and release and heal old karmic blocks and traumas - which is reflected in your new choices, perceptions, and reactions - you move into a new timeline, and begin accessing new other past timelines. That also means, of course, that you activate other old karmic blocks to clear from this new past timeline you’re accessing, if any are still there. These can show up from past lives or from your current life, because they are now relevant to this new leg of your journey. Which brings new blocks to release and grow from, new experiences to learn and expand from. Spiraling Soul Journey That’s why the process of spiritual awakening, karmic healing, and Soul evolution seems like a spiral going into ever deeper and deeper layers, until you eventually reach the core of your true Divine Soul. When all the shadows and blocks and everything that is not authentically you is cleared away, and your thoughts, actions, and reactions are completely in alignment with your Divine Soul Blueprint, that’s when you reach Enlightenment within your human experience, so to speak. Though, Enlightenment is simply another step in a Soul’s journey, which is infinite and ever expanding. Illuminate your shadow side Take a step off the beaten path, and join Spirit of Lotus Mystic Musings. You'll receive my powerful Dream Shadow Work Journal free! Get to the root of what's holding you back, and transform it into what you WANT to embody. Just as your past timelines can shift as a result of changes in your current timeline, you can change your current timeline by making changes in the past. Quantum Timeline Collapsing We don’t have time machines here on Earth just yet, but we do have the Quantum Timeline Collapsing technique. Quantum Timeline Collapsing is a powerful method of clearing blocks you have in your life right now by collapsing timelines of the past and shifting your experience of past events. To collapse timelines means to bring awareness and understanding of multiple timelines of the same events and experiences into your consciousness simultaneously. This expands your multidimensionality, and gives you access to other versions of your experiences, as well as the altered impacts of those experiences going forward. Rather than being trapped in a singular version of reality and whatever affects that had on you, you’re able to choose to access a more empowered, healed reality and all that that new reality can manifest into your current experience. I offer free Quantum Timeline Collapsing Breakthrough calls to any who wish to experience it. These calls only take 15-20 minutes, done over Zoom, in which I coach you through this life-changing (or should I say, timeline shifting) process. I highly, highly recommend scheduling one of these calls if you have anything blocking you from achieving what you want right now. That means, any self-sabotaging patterns, from procrastination to people-pleasing to experiencing feelings of unworthiness, and whatever may be holding you back. It’s a powerful way to dip your toes in and experience what’s really possible for you. Whatever is blocking you most right now, let’s get to the root of it. You can book a call here: Quantum Timeline Collapsing Breakthrough Call Divinely Aligned Soul If you feel like you’re buzzing with excitement to quantum leap fully into your next timeline of Divine potential, and you want the whole shebang - your full Divine Soul Blueprint, your spiritual gifts, your Soul Path frequency, and to clear the entire host of energetic blocks and restrictions and karmic patterns from your current timeline, and know the past life stories that they came from - then you want a Divinely Aligned Soul Reading. This session tells you all you need to know about who you are at Soul level and clear everything - conscious, subconscious, and unconscious - that is holding you back. Your expansion from this session will be far beyond what most people manage in their entire lifetime, or often multiple lifetimes. The Divinely Aligned Soul Reading comprises a detailed Soul reading (there is A LOT that is brought into your consciousness with this), coaching on shifting your frequency to be in alignment with your Soul self, and a full healing protocol to clear all of the energetic and karmic blocks and restrictions that show up from your past and present lives. It’s your roadmap to the maze of life, highlighting your Soul path and Soul gifts, and turning the light on all the hidden roadblocks so you can easily move them out and quantum leap to your highest potential. Some of what is included in this experience is: Soul Purpose & Frequency Spiritual Gifts Energetic Blocks Karmic Patterns Past Life Stories Soul Coaching Healing Protocol You can find more information about this session at the link here, along with a special offer for you: Divinely Aligned Soul Reading Thank you so much for reading and subscribing, I appreciate it so much! Please check the resources below. 💎 Wisdom and healing through the cosmic field: Divinely Aligned Soul Reading 💎 Free Quantum Timeline Collapsing Breakthrough Call: Book Your Call 💎 My shop with helpful workbooks and meditations is here: Cosmic Lotus Shop 💎 Energy healing session information can be found here: Distance Healing Sessions or In person sessions 💎 Subscribe to receive a beautiful Shadow Work journal here: Shadow Work Journal From the desk of Neelou Saleh Spirit of Lotus How I can help you: Discover who you are at soul level and quantum leap your healing process with a Divinely Aligned Soul Reading. I have an ever-growing collection of beautiful products in my shop to help you on your journey of awakening, healing, and self-discovery. Or... Book your in-person or distance healing session: Take a walk off the beaten path, and become a Spirit of Lotus Insider. The Spirit of Lotus newsletter is all about exploring the art and science of nurturing the mind, body, and spirit - to facilitate deep healing, inner peace, immense joy, and help you shine as your true, authentic Self. You'll also receive exclusive offers and be the first to know what's new. Subscribe free below. Bonus: New subscribers get a code for 20% OFF your entire purchase in the Cosmic Lotus shop! Timelines, Past Lives, & Your Soul Path

  • What are the Akashic Records?

    Spiritual Awakening Series: Part 1 Is it a mystical place, a cosmic database, an ancient tome, or...? Everything you need to know to understand the Akashic Records. Read or watch! If the video is not loading below, please refresh the page. (For the links referenced in the video, click here to scroll down) You may have heard of a mystical database, or perhaps a mysterious library, referred to as the Akashic Records. What actually are the "Akashic Records", you might be wondering. Are they real? Are they a place? Where are they? How do you access them? What can be learned from them? And what is the point, anyway? I'll answer all these questions for you, beautiful, curious Soul, as best I can, based on my own experience in working with the Records, and my own perspectives and contemplations. I'll first explain the way I learned about the Akashic Records, simply because it gives a grounded, solid foundation to start understanding them, before I elaborate on the more expanded understanding I have of the Records now. Basic concepts of the Akashic Records The word Akashic comes from a Sanskrit word Akasha, also pronounced Akasa, which means “space”, “sky”, or “ether”. I first learned about the Akashic Records most likely from much the same perspective as many others. It was described to me as a sort of cosmic database, where everything that ever happens is constantly being recorded, similar to how a court stenographer quickly records everything that is said and happens in court proceedings, as they go. No subjective opinions, or bias, or agendas - just, simply, a recording of everything that happens everywhere as it does so, in its true essence. I was taught that every Soul, every place, every entity, and so on, each have their own individual records that can be accessed, and that there are even records within records. A situation in which there may be a record within a record is when the existence of an entity depends entirely on the existence of another. For example, a business that consists only of the person who created it - a sole proprietor. The business itself is an entity with a record, but because its existence depends on the person who created and upholds it, its record would be found WITHIN the record of its creator. On the other hand, a business that exists without the energy and attention of any one person will have it's own record, independently. A state that depends on the existence of a country to exist would have its record located in the record of that country, for another example. Who can access a Soul's Record? There are rules about who can access any given Soul's record. That is, no one can access the record of another Soul without that Soul's permission. It simply is private information that only the Soul itself needs to know, and each Soul has control over who can access its record. There are some exceptions to this rule, though, and they are specific. One exception is if the Soul whose record you want to access is your child who is dependent on you. This no longer applies once they become independent. You can access the records of your children because as long as they're energetically in your care, you have the authority to know about them whatever you need to in order to do your best for them. Another exception to the privacy rule is if the other Soul is a person with whom your life is so intertwined that their consequences are your consequences, too. This typically applies to couples who live together and share responsibilities and finances, married or not. If your lives are so merged that whatever they do affects you, too, you have permission by way of involvement to access their Soul Record. Keep in mind that an abusive parent or partner may not, in fact, be able to access the Records of their children or partners, as the abuse would be a breach of personal responsibility that negates the permission they would otherwise have. One other instance in which a Soul's Record can be accessed without permission, at least to some extent, is if the Soul is a public figure whose actions have significant consequences on the rest of the population, and the person wanting access is part of that population. An example is powerful politicians, or even celebrities who choose to put themselves out there to sway public opinion and have a lot of influence. Not necessarily everything in their Records can be accessed, but some information, yes. Their permission is implied by the role they choose to fill in society. Records of countries, businesses, events, etc., can be accessed by anyone without permission. Illuminate your shadow side Take a step off the beaten path, and join Spirit of Lotus Mystic Musings. You'll receive my powerful Dream Shadow Work Journal free! Get to the root of what's holding you back, and transform it into what you WANT to embody. Where are the Akashic Records? The Akashic Records are said to be located at the 5th dimensional realm of existence. Our bodies are in the 3D realm, and our minds in the 4D realm, for reference. Our Souls and the aspects of us that are infinite are in the 5th dimension and above. At least this is how its said to work, but its more complicated than that, because dimensions of density are a gradient that go from one to the next and don't have any hard boundaries. But, this is a huge topic that needs a post all to itself, so I will talk more about this another time (please subscribe if you'd like an update as to when I publish this). For simplicities sake here, we will say the dimensions are separate, and you must bring your consciousness into the 5th dimensional realm to access the Akashic Records. They aren't in any particular place, as all dimensions exist simultaneously in the same place, and are actually different levels of consciousness you can move your focus between. The Akashic Records are not physical, but etheric. However, most people who access them choose to visualize them as something they can relate to - a library, a computer accessing a cosmic “internet”, a temple of ancient scrolls, and so on - this is unique for each person. How to access the Akashic Records? For many people, much like Reiki, they receive an attunement from an experienced practitioner before trying to access the Akashic Records. Attunements are quite simple, yet powerful. They aren't explicitly necessary, as some people are able to attune on their own, and some are born already attuned and manage to maintain it as they grow older. The purpose of the attunement is to activate intuitive capabilities of tapping into a specific frequency. Everyone has this ability at the subconscious or unconscious level, but not everyone chooses to activate it into their conscious awareness and control. Receiving an attunement in itself may not even be enough - if the person being attuned tends to live in a lower frequency state due to life choices, they may not be able to access the higher frequency. In this case, it's up to the individual to do the work on themselves to open this ability, through doing shadow work, meditation, energy healing, exercise, and most importantly, shifting their perspective and changing their daily life choices. Ultimately, it's always in the power of the individual as to whether or not they can access this high-frequency cosmic database. How do you get information from the Akashic Records? Interestingly enough, the actual obtaining of information from the Akashic Records can be the most challenging part of the process. This is because of the vast, infinite vat of knowledge that it is. Practitioners tend to develop their own protocols through practice, and knowing what to ask about or look for. This process can be as unique as each individual. Imagine you're sitting in front of a computer that has access to the internet. Well, you don't have to imagine, because you're probably doing that right now - if not a computer, then a handheld device, either way. The internet has billions and billions of websites with all kinds of information, but unless you know what search terms to input, it can be difficult to find exactly what you're looking for. The vast, vast majority of the information out there is useless to your purposes, so you must know how to pluck out specifically what is useful. This is the same with the Akashic Records. They contain infinite information, and most of it is useless for any practical purpose. So, there is no one or simple answer to this question, as pulling information from the Records is a skill developed through experience and practice, though the process can be sped up tremendously with a good teacher. Like many skills in life. What can you learn about a Soul from the Akashic Records? Everything there is to know about a Soul from the very moment of its creation is contained in the Soul's record. The Soul's original Divine Blueprint is of key importance. This is the frequency makeup of the Soul, kind of like its DNA. This doesn't change from lifetime to lifetime - it's constant. This information reveals the spiritual gifts that are innately part of the Soul, and therefore the person. This is the main foundation of an individual's Soul path, or purpose, and what they would want to embody to be in alignment with their Divine true nature. Another important aspect is the Soul's cosmic "origin" (not precisely, since all Soul's originate from the same Source, but rather where it first began incarnating after its creation). This gives more information about natural gifts and tendencies, as a Soul tends to take on some traits of its place of origin, or, Soul Family. This answers a common question of the spiritually awakened - "What starseed am I?" You can also discover how many lives a Soul has lived, or, how many times they have incarnated. I will say, this number is vastly beyond the limited thinking that has been floating around from the common perspective for a very long time. Knowing the truth about this will blow your mind right open. Experience your Divine Awakening Feeling lost, stagnant, or confused on your life's journey, and wondering what the next step is? Learn how you can quantum leap into your Divine Awakening and discover your Soul Purpose NOW. The other side of that coin is that the concept of past, present, and future lives is very different and more complex than simply going from incarnation to incarnation in a limited, linear fashion. This is another huge topic all its own, though, that I'll have to talk about in a future post. Of course, you can also get much information about what went on in any given past life, as well. Other gifts that can be revealed would be any specialities the Soul has accumulated through its many incarnations, and the evolution and expansion the Soul experiences in that process. Aside from learning who someone is at Soul level, other vital information that can be obtained in the Records are the karmic blocks and patterns that the Soul has created and is holding itself to. These are both from past and present lives, and are the source of self-sabotage and the main mechanism that keeps humans confused and lost and separated from their Divinity. Learning what karmic blocks, restrictions, and patterns a Soul is upholding is vital, as bringing that into one's consciousness is how it can be processed and released, so the individual is free to shift into alignment with their Divine Soul frequency. These karmic patterns are NOT inflicted on anyone from any higher power or universal law, but merely by the individual themselves. The whole topic of karma and what it is and isn't is something I'll be discussing in a future post, as well, because it's a concept rife with limiting misinformation that needs to be clarified. There is so much more, which I cannot ever fit into any post, video, or even novel, as the Records and all they are, is endless - literally everything, and it is infinite, as everything is infinite - dimensions, timelines, universes, everything that is, ever has been, and ever will be, all exists simultaneously, infinitely and endlessly. And this brings me to the more expanded perspective I have of the Akashic Records now. My perspectives come from my experience in working with the Records, combined with my experience in many other esoteric modalities and practices - such as various forms of energy healing, meditation, and the evolution and expansion of my own intuitive abilities, through the time I spend with my awareness in 5D and even 6D realms of consciousness, my observations, studies, and contemplations in many, many different spiritual, philosophical, and psychological topics and concepts. An expanded perspective of the Akashic Records As I hinted at a bit earlier, the Akashic Records are more than just a database of information contained in neatly organized ethereal files. Or, maybe what I mean is, the Akashic Records are a limited version of the absolute of what is. Or, perhaps both. What we call the Akashic Records is a somewhat boxed up concept of one aspect of what I like to refer to as the cosmic field of infinite potential - or, cosmic field of infinite consciousness, even. Consciousness is the creator substance of all that exists. Consciousness is the creator substance of all that exists. To be succinct, I'll simply refer to it as the cosmic field. This cosmic field is everywhere, in everything, and is everything that ever existed, does exist, or will exist, being formed into whatever the infinite streams of consciousness of existence wish it to be. It doesn't simply contain information, it is the information. It is all dimensions, all universes, all beings, all projections, and all timelines. Every Soul has an infinite number of timelines, possibilities, or different pathways, if you will, that it can choose to direct the point of focus of its consciousness. This is part of where I find a difference between what the Akashic Records are vs what the cosmic field is. The Akashic Records, as they were, are a more contained version of a Soul's history. Rather than including the information about all timelines and possibilities and realities, the Akashic Records focus only on the pathway that the Soul took as its path of focus of consciousness, from the perspective of the current point of consciousness that it is in right now. So, in other words, the current perspective of your Soul, you, is the existential reality you are in right now. The information about past lives, and anything else pulled from the Akashic Records from your current perspective will only be relative to the path that your consciousness took to get you to this specific moment and level of awareness. You can only “see” what you can understand from your current perspective of awareness, and that which is relevant to the current timeline you're on. Everything else is excluded, unless and until your consciousness perspective shifts enough for other information to become relevant. And that's okay, because for the purpose of sorting out your current life path, this is practical. You don't need the other information until you shift or collapse timelines through new conscious choices (just a side note that timelines are another complex topic I'll talk about separately). Whereas, the cosmic field is all of everything. The Akashic Records are a limited version of the cosmic field. It's concept that was developed by humans in order to make it easier to sort out what's what in the cosmic field of infinite everything. Just like the shared existential reality we're in - that is the world and universe as we know it - is created through agreements and values of the collective unconscious, concepts such as the Akashic Records are created in the same way. Those who first "discovered" the Akashic Records, so to speak, were actually creating it through their own stream of consciousness and agreements collectively. By sharing this information with others, who also access and teach the Akashic Records, the collective unconscious upholding them has grown. Illuminate your shadow side Take a step off the beaten path, and join Spirit of Lotus Mystic Musings. You'll receive my powerful Dream Shadow Work Journal free! Get to the root of what's holding you back, and transform it into what you WANT to embody. Streams of consciousness, both individual and collective, are how anything is created from the cosmic field, and exactly how the Akashic Records came to be. Breaking large concepts down into smaller, more manageable parts is how humans understand life and existence more readily. Now, just like we each live in our own individual existential reality within the collective one, the experience of each individual in the Akashic Records will be a bit different than how it is for the next person, as we all perceive and experience our realities differently depending on our level of awareness and how our Soul relates to the rest of existence. The cosmic field of infinite consciousness and potential is a big concept to truly understand, and so in order to work with it in specific ways, humans have broken it down into many smaller concepts - the Akashic records, universal laws, manifestation, etc.. It's all relevant, but it's all just parts of the whole. As we grow and evolve and expand our awareness, we're able to perceive and comprehend higher and higher levels of consciousness, and so eventually we begin to experience all these parts as the whole. This cosmic field is the high frequency creator substance from which all is formed through streams of consciousness. It's the medium through which we create the beautiful art of existence - our existential realities within existential realities. And, it's the field through which any information about any of those realities is accessed. It's true that any given Soul's journey can only be accessed by that Soul itself or by someone who has their permission, except in the specific situations I explained previously where permission is automatically granted due to certain circumstances. A Soul's Divine Blueprint and journey are personal and sacred. At least, from this lower density level of consciousness. Being that, in higher densities there is less and less separation between one Soul and the next and things change. But, that's a conversation for another time. Important distinction for star seeds One thing I want to note that I discovered when doing Soul readings is that inquiring about a Soul's group of origination doesn't always bear the actual origin of where the Soul first incarnated. Rather, it's often the current Soul group that the Soul identifies with, and is the information that the Higher Self considers most relevant for the person to become aware of at that time. Being that, whatever cosmic group the Soul currently relates to is what star seed they are and is often more important to know than where they very first started (though, as the Soul expands in this lifetime, that information may become relevant and will be revealed). Experience your Divine Awakening Feeling lost, stagnant, or confused on your life's journey, and wondering what the next step is? Learn how you can quantum leap into your Divine Awakening and discover your Soul Purpose NOW. It's important to note that no Soul specifically belongs to any one cosmic race or part of the Universe, but they do develop preferences for how they like to incarnate, where, and even what gender. Though, they can incarnate anywhere and as anything they like, depending on what the desired experience is. Everyone can access the cosmic field Everyone is accessing the cosmic field of infinite consciousness to some degree or another, though most are doing so subconsciously or unconsciously. It’s through this access that we each create our lives and everything in them. The problem with this is that when you're accessing it and creating your reality from the subconscious or unconscious mind, you often aren't creating what you want, but rather, what your subconscious is programmed to create. And that is driven by the karmic patterns hidden in the shadows, as well as programming from this lifetime. To learn to access it consciously, one must do the "work" on themselves to clear out karmic blocks and elevate their frequency. There are many ways to do this, of course, and most will benefit from coming at it from multiple angles, though not necessarily all at once. Or, maybe do so all at once, depending on the person. Doing shadow work is what I would call a basic necessity (and I have a free Shadow Work Journal available by subscribing), certainly through meditation, and also through taking care of your body temple with exercise and aligned eating habits. Receiving energy work is tremendously helpful for many people for shifting into a more aligned, healed, higher frequency version of yourself. One of the fastest ways to quantum shift into the most aligned version of you is through wisdom and healing you can receive from the Akashic Records and cosmic field. The Divinely Aligned Soul Readings I do are for exactly this - knowing who you are at Soul level, what your gifts are, and, very importantly, what are the karmic patterns and blocks that are holding you back from creating the reality you really want. The Divinely Aligned Soul Reading comprises an Akashic Records Soul reading (there is A LOT that is brought into your consciousness with this), coaching on shifting your frequency to be in alignment with your Divine Soul Blueprint, and a full healing protocol to clear all of the energetic and karmic blocks and restrictions that show up from your past and present lives. It’s your roadmap to the maze of life, highlighting your Soul path and Soul gifts, and turning the light on all the hidden roadblocks so you can easily move them out and quantum leap to your highest potential. Some of what is included in this experience is: Soul Purpose & Frequency Spiritual Gifts Energetic Blocks Karmic Patterns Past Life Stories Soul Coaching Healing Protocol 💎 More information on these sessions can be found here: Divinely Aligned Soul Reading 💎 My shop with helpful workbooks and meditations is here: Cosmic Lotus Shop 💎 Energy healing session information can be found here: Distance Healing Sessions or In person sessions 💎 Subscribe to receive a beautiful Shadow Work journal here: Shadow Work Journal So, in essence, I do find the mental construct of “records” to be a very limiting, and a very 3D human concept. I believe it was created in order to try and explain this cosmic field of infinite consciousness in a way that more people could wrap their minds around, in a way that could be taught to others. Though, it is very practical, and very useful, and a great starting point, but I want to stress that it is not the whole picture, not absolute by any means, nor is the more expanded perspective I’m sharing here. This is an ever-evolving experience for me, and as I come to new levels of understanding and awareness, I’ll continue to share my new perspectives in future posts. Next read: Spiritual Awakening Series Part 2: Timelines, Past Lives, & Your Soul Path From the desk of Neelou Saleh Spirit of Lotus How I can help you: Discover who you are at soul level and quantum leap your healing process with a Divinely Aligned Soul Reading. I have an ever-growing collection of beautiful products in my shop to help you on your journey of awakening, healing, and self-discovery. Or... Book your in-person or distance healing session: Take a walk off the beaten path, and become a Spirit of Lotus Insider. The Spirit of Lotus newsletter is all about exploring the art and science of nurturing the mind, body, and spirit - to facilitate deep healing, inner peace, immense joy, and help you shine as your true, authentic Self. You'll also receive exclusive offers and be the first to know what's new. Subscribe free below. Bonus: New subscribers get a code for 20% OFF your entire purchase in the Cosmic Lotus shop! What are the Akashic Records?

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  • Detailed Chakra Analysis | Spirit of Lotus Healing Arts

    Detailed Chakra Analysis Reading In yoga traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, Chakras are spiraling energy centers in the body through which we interact with our subtle energy fields. There are seven main intrabody Chakras, and two powerful and essential transpersonal Chakras, that each have domain over specific aspects of our physical, mental, and emotional bodies. When these Chakras become imbalanced or clouded with "psychic debris", or too wide open and active, we then become imbalanced and sometimes ill. Illnes s can manifest physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. It's essential to open up, clear, and balance these energy centers in the body as part of our whole system wellness. ​ ​ Did you know that your Chakras exist at multiple levels? A general Chakra analysis tells you if each of your Chakras are overall balanced, overactive, or underactive, but that is only part of the picture. ​ To fully understand the state of your Chakras and how they are affecting you, you must know the balance of each Chakra at each of the three levels in which they op erate - the physical body, the emotional body, and the mental body. ​ ​ ​ ​ Why does this make such a big difference? ​ Simply put, let's say your Root Chakra is underactive at the physical body level, balanced at the mental body level, but overactive at the emotional body level. A general chakra analysis essentially gives you the total average of all of these, and would show a balanced Chakra. ​ However, because of the low energy levels at the physical body level, you may b e experiencing chronic fatigue , or a diminished sense of physical safety and security. The overactivity of the Root Chakra at the emotional body level may be causing heightened anxiety levels. So, getting a general report that the Chakra is balanced overall is completely overlooking what's really happening, and denies you the opportunity to understand the ch allenges so you can focus on healing this Chakra at all levels. BUY NOW What you learn from a Detailed Chakra Analysis Reading: ​ Get a f ull rundown on the state of your Chakra system with this comprehensive and detailed analysis of nine essential Chakras at all three energy levels. You'll receive a report on the current status of nine Chakras in total: ​ Earth Star Root Sacral Solar Plexus Heart Throat Thi rd Eye Cro wn Soul Star Each Chakra will be analyzed at three levels - the physical body, the emotion al body, and the mental body. ​ You'll know whether each Chakra is balanced, underactive, or overactive at each level, and to what percentage of capacity they are operating. Your report will include information on symptoms that show up with each type of imbalance, and what aspects each Chakra has domain over - so that you fully understand everything in your report and what to do with it. ​ This is the key information you have been missing. An example reading chart that shows Chakra function at all levels. Plus , you'll receive a personal report interpreting what all these numbers actually mean for YOU! You can finally KNOW what areas of your energy body are out of alignment so you can address the underlying issues and get back on track. ​ Your report will be sent to you as a pdf within three business days of purchase! BUY NOW Bonus Book! Now, because I want you to be able to make use of this information, a s a bonus , you'll also receive a FREE copy of my ebook The Awakened Soul's Guide to Chakra Goodness - so you have a comprehensive resource of methods to bring each Chakra back into balance and optimal functioning. ​ This is the icing on the cake to bring it all together! This guide is everything you need to know to take care of your Chakras, and nothing you don't need to know. ​ This is the guide I wish I had when I was a new seeker. Informative, concise, and beautiful. Each page of this eBook is lovely in its own right, and that is intentional. Many of the pages can be printed individually as a helpful reference chart on a topic you want to focus on. Or, sections you want to focus on, such as Chakra Yoga Poses, can be separately printed for reference as their own mini book, or even as reference cards. Keep it digital, print it out, do whatever works best for YOU. Because that's what it's all about. Making it easy and practical for you to practice sacred self-care in your own unique way. ​ In this e-book, you'll learn: What Chakras are What you need to know about each Chakra How to identify which Chakras are blocked or imbalanced How to recognize which Chakras are strongest Sound healing for Chakras Chakra frequencies Food medicine for the Chakras Yoga poses for Chakra activation and balance Chakra nature medicine Chakra crystal healing My never-before-shared Chakra balancing essential oil recipes How to practice Chakra mantras Chakra affirmations Chakra hand mudras Chakra inspirational muses (just for fun!) Chakra meditation practices Planning your Chakra rituals for healing and maintenance Book Now

  • Holistic Healing | Spirit of Lotus Healing Arts | Reiki Healing

    "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." LA O TZU Book Now Est. 2011 Illuminating your path to freedom and fulfillment. Freedom from pain. Freedom from stress. Freedom to live your authentic, aligned life. Are you ready for the first step? The healing you need. Experience ancient healing practices, blended with a modern approach and Divine technologies, to create a sacred space for transformation, healing, and spiritual growth: ​ Chakra healing massage treatments for soothing the physical body and deep healing of energetic wounds; Meditation journeys to heal the mental body and raise consciousness ; Reiki energy and crystal healing for balance and healing of the subtle body; Sound healing (acutonics) to soothe the emotional body and clear away dense energies; Spiritual awareness coaching to help you learn how to maintain your Soul self care, move through a spiritual awakening, and live your highest potential while fully embodying your Divinity; and Akashic Soul Readings to illuminate your Soul Path, unlock your spiritual Gifts, and uncover and transmute negative karmic patterns and blocks. Welcome! You just found your sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle and never-ending to-do lists. You spend much of your day in fight or flight mode - deadlines, appointments, soccer practice, work stress, dinner planning, endless laundry, rush hour traffic... The stress builds up, and often gets buried in your body (along with all energetic and karmic wounds you still carry) - where it manifests as nagging pain, tension, anxiety, headaches, a general feeling of unease, and even chronic illness and pain. You need to heal, and rebalance, and maybe even explore that tugging sense of something deeper trying to come into your awareness. That's where I come in. ​ Whether you live nearby or far away, I have something here for you. Your healing journey starts here... Experience ancient healing practices, blended with a modern approach and Divine technologies, to create a sacred space for transformation, healing, and spiritual growth: ​ Reiki energy and crystal healing for balance and healing of the subtle body; Healing massage treatments for soothing the physical body and deep healing of energetic wounds; Meditation journeys to heal the mental body and raise consciousness ; Sound healing (acutonics) to soothe the emotional body and clear away dense energies; Spiritual awareness coaching to help you learn how to maintain your Soul self care, move through a spiritual awakening, and live your highest potential while fully embodying your Divinity; and Cosmic Soul Readings to illuminate your Soul Path, unlock your spiritual Gifts, and uncover and transmute negative karmic patterns and blocks. Read more testimonials here . Feelin' the love! Mystic Musings From my heart to your inbox, I saved my best secrets for you... Take a step off the beaten path, and join Spirit of Lotus Mystic Musings. You'll receive my powerful Dream Shadow Work Journal free! PLUS, a bonus Quantum Timeline Collapsing Breakthrough call. Get to the root of what's holding yo u back, and t ransform it into what you WANT to embody, quantum style! Come explore the extraordinary side of life with me! Spirit of Lotus will never rent, sale, or share your information with anyone. From the blog spirituality 3 Myths of the Spiritually Awakened Common spiritual "wisdom" that is actually harmful. Avoid these stagnation pitfalls. spiritual awakening series Timelines, Past Lives, and Your Soul Path What exactly is a timeline, and why is this important to understanding your Soul’s journey? spiritual awakening series What are the Akashic Records? Basic principles, and an expanded perspective on the cosmic field. Let's get social! Book Now Located in Colleyville, accessible to Grapevine, Southlake, Euless, Hurst, Bedford, North Richland Hills, Keller, Trophy Club, Roanoke, Arlington, Carrollton, Fort Worth, Dallas, and the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. Distance healing and readings are done remotely to anywhere in the world. Services Book Now

  • Divinely Aligned | Spirit of Lotus

    Welcome, beautiful soul. I see you. You've done so much healing and Soul searching. ​ And you've made some wonderful progress. But, still...something is holding you back. You're meant for so much more, and you know this - in the depth of your heart, you know it. You've done the meditations. You've read the books, and the tea leaves. ​ You've recited affirmations and mantras, colored mandalas, and worked on your mindset until your brain went numb. ​ Maybe you've gone on a few spiritual retreats, and made a vision board or two. ​ And you've managed to peel back a few release a few blocks and negative patterns. ​ You've developed a little more self love, and gotten a little closer to the truth. ​ You've even managed to manifest a little something along the way. ​ But, nothing seems to hit quite deep enough. And you still feel stuck. You still keep hitting a wall halfway to your goals, finding yourself in the same undesirable situation over and over again, or feel like you're really busy and yet not getting anywhere. ​ You find yourself wondering if you're not "doing it right", then worrying that your self doubt is sabotaging your efforts. ​ You're still stuck on the hamster wheel of life, b ut not truly living the way you know you're meant to. ​ You've had a million ideas and set more goals than you can count, but... ​ You still keep sabotaging yourself, still can’t manifest what you want so badly, you’re still in pain, still snapping at your husband and kids for breathing the wrong way, still feel depressed or anxious and don't know why, and you feel confused about which idea or opportunity you should pursue. ​ You're feeling burned out because you've tried everything and are still running around in circles. I see you. You're an awakened woman, but you're frustrated. ​ And I'm h ere to tell you, all of these frus trating symptoms you're experiencing - and the reaso n everything you've tried hasn't worked yet - have the same root cause . This is your time to step fully into your Divine Awakening Ready? Sign up now! What your current experience is like... 💎 You feel stuck and need guidance through your spiritual awakening 💎 You've tried countless ways to create transformation, but nothing sticks ​ 💎 You often feel like you're trudging in mud to get through the day ​ 💎 You're living the same day over and over, like you're trapped in the movie "Groundhog Day" 💎 You keep attracting the same negative situation in your life again and again 💎 You find yourself chasing every shiny object in your path and aren't sure what to focus on 💎 You feel unfulfilled on your current path and have a pull to do more with your life 💎 You feel you're constantly busy, but only spinning your wheels in place on the wrong path 💎 You suffer from chronic pain and illness that doctors can't explain and nothing seems to work What you want to experience... 💎 Clarity on your Soul Purpose 💎 Healing from the energetic blockages and traumas that create self-sabotage 💎 Expansion of your consciousness into higher frequencies ​ 💎 A rich life full of abundance, love, joy, and freedom 💎 Empowerment to step away from circumstances not in your Highest Good 💎 Motivation and momentum required to reach your goals ​ 💎 Feeling healthy, vibrant, and radiant 💎 Transforming your reality and manifesting the life you most truly desire 💎 An open connection with your Highest Self, your Spirit guides, and Divine Source ​ 💎 Owning your role as the powerful Divine Creator of your reality that you truly are Hey, gorgeous awakened Soul seeker. I'm Neelou. ​ I've been on my personal spiritual path of transformation for a very long time - well over twenty years now! It seems almost hard to believe. ​ But, it wasn't exactly smooth sailing, nor was it always a continuous path forward. I had lots of stops and starts, setbacks, distractions (SOOOO many distractions!), loops, you name it... ​ The important thing, though, was that I didn't give up. I never stopped listening to the whisper - that little voice inside that kept compelling me to continue searching, healing, learning, moving forward - even when I had no idea what I was trying to move towards.​ I often felt like I was making my way around in a dark maze, feeling for the next doorway, the next clue, the next step towards...something. Not ever quite sure exactly what I was up against , or how to overcome it. And I definitely had no idea where the darn light switch was. It was a long journey to get where I am today. A journey that led me to start my own holistic healing practice over 12 years ago, Spirit of Lotus Healing Arts, which has evolved immensely over time along with me. It's a beautiful journey I've been honored to be on, helping countless beautiful souls along the way with their own healing and spiritual growth. A journey I'm still on, and hope to always be on, because we never stop learning, growing, expanding and ascending - unless we choose to.​ I came to a point where I spent few years turning deeply inward through various esoteric spiritual practices, fully transforming my reality and breaking my consciousness wide open. I knew it was time to move to the next stage of my own Soul Path, and what I was meant to offer the world. ​ I wanted to create an experience for others that would not just be informative, but transformational . Something actionable and easily understandable, that combined the forces of practicality with the mystical. My path led me to bring you this beautiful, enlightening, and deeply transformative experience: The Divinely Aligned Soul Reading This powerful, eye-opening process is the light switch to illuminate your Soul Path within the maze of life. It's the roadmap I wish I had twenty years ago. Click here to sign up! The reason so many of us struggle to create a life in which we feel fulfilled, is... ​ we have no idea who we truly are at Soul level. This one thing is EVERYTHING If you don't know who you are at Soul level... You don't know what choices are aligned to your Divine True Nature You don't know what your spiritual gifts are You don't know what actions will actually work to manifest your desires You lack clarity on your Soul purpose ​ You doubt yourself and often subconsiously sabotage your efforts You have no idea what path will bring you abundance, ease, and joy And, how could you know these things, after all? We aren't born equipped with Soul manuals. But we are born with Soul Blueprints. And it's your Divine Right to know yours. Your Divine Soul Blueprint is the literal makeup of your very Soul, and your experiences and evolution throughout your eternal existence. ​ Discovering the details of the Higher aspects - the eternal aspects - of yourself, is key to understanding how you, as a Soul, truly want to show up in the world within your human incarnation. The experience of a Divinely Aligned Soul Reading is part reading, part coaching, part healing, and ALL about transformation . A quick breakdown of the different aspects of this session (keep reading further down the page for more details): The Roadmap This is your Divine Frequency - it defines your Soul gifts, how you operate, and how you unlock your abundance. ​ We also talk about many more aspects of your Divine Blueprint - things like your Soul vibration rate, your vibrational bandwidth, your organizing principle, your primary life lesson, your animal spirit guides, Soul specializations and much more. ​ I don't expect you to know what these things are, so all of this is explained in a clear, down-to-earth way during your session. The Compass We discuss your Cosmic Soul Group - what group your Soul most identifies as and relates to in the cosmos. What kind of star seed are you? This is the lens through which you see the world and how you relate to life on earth and other beings. ​ This also the source of certain Soul missions and brings additional spiritual gifts. The Roadblocks We pull back the curtain on all the karmic patterns, the negative beliefs and thought forms, curses, programming and conditioning, Soul contracts, coping mechanisms, ancestral karma, vows, Soul fragmentation, and much more - not only from this lifetime, but past lifetimes. ​ All of these blocks and how they're affecting you is explained in a clear, easy to understand way. ​ You learn what past lifetimes these energetic blocks came from, and what happened that created them. The blocks you'll be uncovering and clearing from just this one session is more than most people heal from in a lifetime. Or, multiple lifetimes, even. The Navigator This is so important. I'm not going to tell you about all those energetic blocks and how they're affecting you, and then just tell you to have a nice life. You get coaching on shifting out of those negative patterns and into aligned actions that resonate to your Soul, AND you get a full Quantum Healing Protocol to rapidly clear and release ALL OF IT. You leave the session with a clear plan of action on how to move forward and transform. Tools of the Journey After your session, you receive an email that includes the link to download the recording of your session, so you can listen as many times as you like, and have this precious record forever. You also receive a pdf document with your Soul profile information - all that stuff about who you are at Soul level. Your own personal Soul guidebook, so to speak. Pretty cool, right? Additionally, you receive your full Quantum Healing Protocol to quickly clear all of those karmic patterns and energetic blocks at the 5th dimensional level. This is not just a reading or a method, it's an AWAKENING. Click here to sign up! Your Divine Soul Blueprint is the missing key. This is the truth that's been hidden for so long. It's been buried under a history of human struggle for survival. Thousands of years of conditioning, programming, sacrificing, and suppression. We don't know who we truly are, and we lack conscious awareness of the energetic Soul-level karmic patterns influencing our every choice, every action, and, often, every thought. ​ I want to change that for you. There's a reason the Law of Attraction, the journaling, the 5 X 55 manifestation method, the vision boards, the affirmations, and the meditations aren't getting you where you want to be. ​ There's a reason the tarot card readings, the oracle card readings, the psychic readings, and the past life readings have left you wondering what to actually do with all those interesting tidbits. ​ ​ It's frustrating feeling like you have to hop from thing to thing trying to get the full picture, find your sense of direction, and still don't know what to focus on. Even if you know WHAT you want, unless you know the Divine Blueprint of your unique, beautiful Soul, you don't know HOW to actually manifest it. ​ Unless you have awareness of the negative karmic patterns you've been carrying lifetime after lifetime, how they got there, and how to release them, you're navigating in the dark around mysterious, frustrating obstacles - m any you have no conscious awareness of. These karmic patterns create huge blind spots in our perception of ourselves and the world around us. To make it even more challenging, most of us don't even know what our spiritual gifts are to navigate past these obstacles and create what we really WANT. ​ Your spiritual gifts are what unlock your a bundance, joy, and unconditional love. ​ You simply don't know what you don't know. ​ But, the good news is, you CAN know. You have a right to know. ​ It's your Soul, after all! In a Divinely Aligned Soul Reading, we take a deep dive into your record to discover everything you need to know about your Soul to start your transformation TODAY. A Divinely Aligned Soul Reading isn't just a reading, though. It's a process, a system, and a roadmap to your unique, individual Soul path, that you'll have for a lifetime. Everything you need to know (and a whole bunch of other stuff you don't), is in your Akashic Record - the energetic database of the Universe within the cosmic field of infinite consciousness. ​ You have to know what to look for - there is an endless amount of information in the records (literally everything ever), but very, very little of it has actual transformational value. Because a reading, though quite interesting, is not in itself necessarily transformational. ​ This experience is a detailed breakdown of your entire Divine Soul Blueprint and Cosmic Profile. It's also a fascinating lesson in the different aspects of the Soul and how they interplay with your current incarnation, as well as a full unveiling of all the karmic blocks and patterns creating obstacles that keep you stuck. It's coaching on what to do with this newfound conscious awareness, and a full clearing and Quantum Healing Protocol to release all that is holding you back. It's the codes and keys to your Soul Path and Purpose, and process of transformation to embody your Divinity and create the reality you came here for. ​ And that's what you want - TRANSFORMATION . That's what you're here for. ​ Not just information. ​ This is the key to your Soul wisdom that's been locked away for thousands of years. Ready? Click here! What you'll learn in a Divinely Aligned Soul Reading: The unique Divine frequency of your Soul that defines your spiritual gifts and how you operate What your spiritual gifts are What karmic patterns are currently affecting you from your present and past lives, that you are ready to heal from Your past life stories and circumstances that created the karmic blocks and traumas you're still carrying with you in this life How to identify which events from your present life instigated the negative patterns you're still engaging with How to transmute those negative karmic patterns into patterns aligned with your Divine Soul Blueprint How to fully heal your Soul of the blocks and trauma (I'll set up the Quantum Healing Protocol for you, and YOU get to activate it) What to focus on to move you forward - and what distractions to ignore How you show up when Divinely expressed (and how you're showing up when suppressed) What kinds of aligned, inspired actions to take to create what you truly desire Your Cosmic Origins - are you a star seed, where did your Soul originate from, and how does that play into your spiritual gifts, traits, and mission Your Soul specializations - special skills your Soul has learned through its many incarnations Your primary life lesson How many Spirit Guides are on your team, as well as how many Animal Spirit Guides and what they are How many incarnations your Soul has had all throughout the Universe This is the opportunity you've been waiting for to finally know for sure how to move through your life in the most fulfilling, abundant way possible. ⭐ 💫 ⭐ No more guessing, no more feeling around in the dark, no more throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks, no more chasing every shiny object that comes across your path. ​ Every choice you make and action you take can be deliberate, mindful, conscious - and congruent to who you are at Soul level. ​ The unique, beautiful Soul that you are. 💖 If you find yourself saying YES to any of these, the Divinely Aligned Soul Reading was made for you: You feel a Soul calling to find your deeper purpose You want to tune further in to your intuition and spirit guides You feel stagnant in your spiritual awakening and know there are more layers to uncover You want to quantum leap to the most aligned, abundant, joyful version of you You've tried many routes to transformation, but something is missing You have shiny object syndrome, and don't know what to focus on You want to fully embody your role as the Divine Creator of your reality If you know there's something deep down holding you back, but you haven’t been able to pinpoint it or get past it... ​ You've meditated, read a library of spiritual and personal development books, set New Moon intentions, smudged every corner of your property, stuck sticky notes of affirmations to the bathroom mirror...but it's still not happening for you... This is for you, Goddess. Click here to jump on this! You can finally embody the experience you desire: Have clarity and a clear sense of direction and purpose Amplify your spiritual gifts to accelerate your path forward Learn to love yourself unconditionally Manifest a reality greater than you ever imagined Move through life in alignment with your Divine Soul Heal from the karmic patterns and blocks that have held you back Learn to tune into the Divine guidance and feedback you receive daily Release what no longer serves your Highest Good Own your role as the Divine Creator of your reality (Notice I keep coming back to this one) You'll have everything you need to create your desired reality: Remember... Cosmic Soul Profile In-depth Soul insight Divine Frequency Spiritual Gifts Soul Purpose Cosmic Origins Soul Specialties Spirit Guides Animal Guides And many more details about your Divine Soul Blueprint, where you are on your Soul journey, and coaching on embodying your Divine Soul self. Awaken... Unveiling of Obstacles Karmic Blocks Negative Patterns Energetic Restrictions Soul Trauma Lower Astral Entity Interference Past Life Stories Ancestral Karma Soul Contracts ​ And more, with many details and explanations of what each of these are, how they're affecting you, where they came from, and how to transmute and release them. Rise up... Full Akashic Healing & Clearing Protocol Quantum Healing Protocol ​ You'll receive coaching on how to transmute the negative patterns, as well as a complete clearing and Quantum Healing Protocol to release all of the energetic blocks, restrictions, negative entities, contracts, negative patterns, and whatever else is revealed to be affecting you. And, because you receive a lot of information and guidance on the Zoom call, I send you a downloadable recording of your entire session , and a pdf document containing your Cosmic Soul Profile information, for your reference. Testimonials Some words from a few of my lovely clients... I’m so grateful for Neelou’s gift of gathering information from the Akashic records and then communicating the information in a kind and easy to understand way. We did three sessions, first for my two daughters and then for myself. Each time I gained a deeper awareness of both gifts and blocks. I love that Neelou shares how to transform and clear things that are holding us back from being in our Divine Alignment. So grateful! Tiffany Stewart Divinely Aligned Soul Reading client ​ ​ ​ You'll be armed with the knowledge of who you are , w hat is holding you back and why, how to heal and clear it all, and what to actually DO going forwa rd . ​ Your personal Divinely Inspired action plan. I won't leave you with a bunch of confusing information about yourself with no actual direction, which is, sadly, what a lot of readings end up doing. And you'll be truly amazed at how quickly your life can change, for the better, when you're living in alignment with your true Divine Nature. ​ That's when everything falls into place. That's when the negative feedback you keep getting from the Universe suddenly changes to positive. ​ It's not about being "good" or working "hard" - it's about being authentically YOU. What do you need to bring to the table? I'm glad you ask! The truth is, this level of transformational work isn't for everyone. ​ Do you have a willingness to take new, inspired action aligned with your Divine Soul? ​ Are you willing to take responsibility as the Divine Creator of your reality? (With power, comes responsibility!) ​ Are you motivated and committed to your path of transformation? ​ If you answered YES to all three - let's get this journey started! What you're receiving Divinely Aligned Soul Reading You'll learn who you are at Soul level - what the energetic frequency is for your Divine Soul Blueprint and what your spiritual gifts are - your Soul Path. This defines how you must show up in the world to unlock your abundance and radiance, and live a life of alignment and ease. Discover the skills your Soul has learned through your many incarnations - your Soul specializations - as well as what your primary life lesson is, and many other details of your Divine Soul Blueprint. Coaching during the session on how to use your Divine Soul Blueprint and spiritual gifts to create a reality that is aligned to your Highest Potential. Your Cosmic Origins - are you a Star Seed, where did your Soul originate from, and how does that play into your spiritual gifts and traits, how many times have you incarnated. You'll learn the negative karmic patterns from past lives and your present life that are still affecting you to this day, that you're ready to heal from. These are the roadblocks preventing you from expressing your Divinity, and we'll bring them into your consciousness for clearing. A personalized Quantum Healing Protocol to transmute and release the negative karmic patterns and begin aligning your Soul Blueprint back to its original state of perfection. Coaching on how negative karmic patterns are created, how to recognize when and how they are showing up, how to transmute the patterns, and how to avoid creating new ones going forward. Everything you need to know about your Divine Soul Blueprint - from your Soul Vibration rate, Vibrational Bandwidth, Organizing Principle, and so much more - to start taking inspired action immediately, and finally create the reality you are meant to be living. A downloadable recording of the session, done via Zoom, so you have it to refer back to again and again - you'll be getting a ton of information and guidance in an hour! A personalized Cosmic Soul Profile pdf that contains the information of who you are at Soul level (that we talk about in the session). This is the core of who you are and your guiding light to moving fully into alignment with your Divine Soul. Checkout How this works: Signing up for this magical, transformational, Soul-healing goodness is super simple. ​ When you click the button to sign up, you'll be taken to the payment screen. ​ Immediately after payment, you'll be prompted to schedule your Zoom call in the online booking system. Be sure to select your time zone. You'll then enter the info I need from you to access your Akashic record. If you don't know your schedule right that minute, don't fret! There's a schedule link in the email receipt you'll receive that you can click later to get on the calendar. It's all good. ​ Once you're scheduled, you'll receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link that you'll use to log in to the call when it's time for your appointment. ​ And that's it! In the meantime, I'll be pulling all of the information needed from your Akashic Record and preparing your session, so it'll be ready to go when it's time for the call. You can just relax and carry on as normal until then. Just make sure you mark your calendar! Divinely Aligned Soul Reading Sign up for this transformative awakening experience for only $ 47 7 ! YES, sign me up! Don't miss this opportunity to quantum leap your transformation into the highest, most aligned, abundant, radiant version of the true authentic YOU that you were created to be. FAQ's Can you give me a summary of what I learn in the reading? Will I learn about my past lives? Can I get a session about my kids or spouse/partner? What if I change my mind after I sign up? Can I cancel and get a refund? How soon can I schedule my reading? This is a big investment. I'm not sure if I can afford it. How is this different from other Akashic readings or psychic readings? Can you give me a summary of what I learn in the reading? ​ You'll learn your Divine Soul Blueprint and who you are at Soul level. This includes learning what energetic frequencies comprise your Soul makeup, your Cosmic Origins, what your spiritual gifts are, and how to operate within your own Divine frequency to use your gifts to unlock your abundan ce and radiance. This is your Soul Path, and shows you what to focus on and what distractions to ignore, as well as what percentage of your current choices are already aligned to your Soul Path, so you have a better understanding of where you are on your journey. You'll also learn your Soul specializations, and what your primary life lesson is, your animal spirit guides, how many incarnations you've had throughout the universe, and much more. ​ You'll discover the negative karmic patterns that are affecting you from both your present and past lives, the past life stories of how they got there , and how to transmute and release them. You'll receive coaching during the session and a personalized healing protocol to accomplish this. These are the invisible roadblocks that prevent you from being able to fully express your Divinity, and keep you locked in negative patterns that hide in your subconscious. ​ Included is a downloadable recording of the session for you to kee p, which is done over Zoom, as well as a downloadable pdf document of your Cosmic Soul Profile for your reference. Have a different question? Let's chat! You can email me at . Much love to you, beautiful Soul Return to Spirit of Lotus Homepage

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