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  • 3 Myths of the Spiritually Awakened

    Common spiritual "wisdom" that is actually harmful. It's truly amazing when you have an epiphany that thrusts you into a spiritual awakening and you discover a whole new reality to explore. It's inevitable that as you go on this journey, you'll be seeking new information from many sources, and will come across many new ideas - some contradicting each other, some that seem to get repeated over and over. You might be able to sense whether each new idea feels aligned to you or not, but clear discernment can be difficult when everything is so new and there is so MUCH to take in. You might somewhat assume that if a particular concept gets repeated over and over by many, that it's more likely to be correct. But, that's not necessarily the case at all. Some people simply repeat what they hear without questioning or testing it, and others actually want new seekers stalled and confused, believe it or no. So, myths and twisted or half-truths can persist quite stubbornly. When it comes to esoteric knowledge and concepts, there are a lot of commonly accepted ideas out there that I hear repeated quite often. Some are enlightening, inspiring, and empowering. 💖 Others, however, are what I see as trojan horses. They look okay from the outside, but once you take them on and put them into practice, you may find they can become rather destructive. Illuminate your shadow side Take a step off the beaten path, and join Spirit of Lotus Mystic Musings. You'll receive my powerful Dream Shadow Work Journal free! Get to the root of what's holding you back, and transform it into what you WANT to embody. In the spirit of my quest to unshackle spiritual seekers from these dangerous traps, often repeated over and over again and never questioned, I'm going to bust the three most common myths many of you encounter on your Soul journey. 🌀 Remember, beautiful Soul, always, always question EVERYTHING.​ Including the things you hear from me. I share my perspective, insights, channeled messages, and experiences, but I do not claim to speak the ultimate Truth for all. Ask questions, experiment, be open to new ideas and perspectives, seek new experiences, and look to your own intuition to align to your Truth. Myth #1️⃣ "We are all One" Oof. This is a big one. I hear it repeated SO often, both by spiritual "newbies" and the "gurus". The concept is based in the notion that at the highest levels of existence, we are all one, of the same Source. At those highest levels of density, we are pure love and integration, and there is no separation - everything and everyone are One, from the same Source, manifested through consciousness. In a certain way, this is true. All Souls are Source (or God, or Spirit, or whatever you want to call it), manifesting itself as different aspects of itself, having different experiences in different points of consciousness. However, what this idea of being all One fails to address is that there are many Souls who have chosen to express themselves in such negative ways and exist in lower frequencies for so long they have disconnected themselves from Source. They're essentially demonic souls, negative souls, or dark souls that feed off the energy and power of those who are still connected to Source. Much like fallen angels, they did originate from the same place and were once One with all else, but have chosen differently. Every Soul has the free will to choose its path, including separating itself from its Source. And each has its own reasons for making this choice. Each can also choose to once again return to the Light. They are not trapped in that state, as they still have free will, and nothing is absolute. This idea "all are One" being touted as an absolute is harmful, because it can be used to manipulate the unsuspecting into opening themselves up to be taken advantage of by those self-serving beings who want to stay under the radar. It's also often used to keep Souls from seeking to experience their reality from the perspective of the individual, unique being they have chosen to express themselves as - attempting to push them into the hive-mind so they are easier to control. Experience your Divine Awakening Feeling lost, stagnant, or confused on your life's journey, and wondering what the next step is? Learn how you can quantum leap into your Divine Awakening and discover your Soul Purpose NOW. There is much more to say about this topic, but I'm trying to keep this message as short and sweet as possible, so I'll elaborate another time. Though, keep in mind - "all One" at the Source point or not, we have chosen to incarnate as individual, unique, separate beings for good reasons, so don't let anyone discourage you from enjoying your experience in your own, beautiful way. You can, and will, return to the love and integration that is Source when you're ready. ​​Myth #2️⃣ It's very spiritual to be "in service" to others This is another sneaky one - the idea that being spiritual means you must be in service to others. It sounds noble, of course, and yet the way it's pushed leads the innocent who attempt to fulfill it straight into self-sabotage, often falling into people-pleasing patterns and lacking healthy boundaries. Being in service to others without strict, healthy boundaries in this world quickly becomes draining. Those who fall into this trap often end up lacking in their own self care to the point of being miserable and unhealthy. This is another trick of the self-serving beings who want those of the Light to give and give, insisting they cannot be truly spiritual if they maintain boundaries and require an exchange for what they give. Aligned service is when you are serving in a way that serves you in return. When you are creating from a place of alignment and love, what you put out into the world serves others in a way that effortlessly serves you, quite naturally. This kind of service is not draining at all, but fulfilling. Having healthy boundaries is necessary, as well as serving yourself first and filling your own cup before attempting to serve others. ​​Myth #3️⃣ Your Ego must "die" in order to experience a spiritual rebirth The Ego tends to get villainized quite a bit, and though it can be responsible for a lot of the fear and stuckness we experience when trying to reach our goals, it's by no means the enemy. Nor is it a part of ourselves we should be trying to "kill". This concept also doesn't work very well. Have you ever noticed how egotistical someone sounds when they want to make sure you know how spiritually advanced they are because they've experienced "Ego death"? 😉 Our Ego wants to keep us safe, and has a very important job in doing so. The problem is when we have no awareness of the role it's playing and let it run the show. It's important to be aware of your Ego and work with it. Know that the Ego doesn't like change, because as long as the status quo is "safe" (even if we're unhappy), it doesn't want to risk the unknown. An overactive Ego, however, can keep us from anything new - new experiences, new ideas and concepts, new friends, new failures, and also new successes. It simply wants to protect, protect, protect, even to the point of being detrimental. It may prevent you from taking healthy risks or cause you to lash out at imagined offenses or to keep pushing down negative emotions instead of facing and processing them. When you work on your own self-improvement, you tend to become more and more aware of the role your Ego is playing, and master it, bit by bit. Let your Ego know that you know it's only trying to protect you, but it's okay. New experiences are a good thing. New perspectives are a good thing. This is how you expand as a Soul. Trying to destroy a part of yourself only causes Soul fragmentation. Self-improvement through practices such as shadow work help you become more self-aware, more integrated, and more expanded. Illuminate your shadow side Take a step off the beaten path, and join Spirit of Lotus Mystic Musings. You'll receive my powerful Dream Shadow Work Journal free! Get to the root of what's holding you back, and transform it into what you WANT to embody. You'll be able to use your own discernment for when your Ego truly is protecting you from unmitigated and unnecessary risk, and when it's simply sabotaging you from experiencing something new that could be good for you. A healthy functioning Ego will not only keep you safe in a balanced way, but it also motivates you. Inspiration comes from your Higher Self, but the motivation to act on it comes from the Ego. Do not try to kill your Ego. Befriend your Ego. Integrate your Ego. Master your Ego. It's an essential part of your human experience. Resources: 💎 Wisdom and healing from the cosmic field: Divinely Aligned Soul Reading 💎 My shop with helpful workbooks and meditations: Cosmic Lotus Shop 💎 Energy healing session information: Distance Healing Sessions or In person sessions 💎 Subscribe to receive a beautiful Shadow Work journal: Shadow Work Journal From the desk of Neelou Saleh Spirit of Lotus How I can help you: Discover who you are at soul level and quantum leap your healing process with a Divinely Aligned Soul Reading. I have an ever-growing collection of beautiful products in my shop to help you on your journey of awakening, healing, and self-discovery. Or... Book your in-person or distance healing session: Take a walk off the beaten path, and become a Spirit of Lotus Insider. The Spirit of Lotus newsletter is all about exploring the art and science of nurturing the mind, body, and spirit - to facilitate deep healing, inner peace, immense joy, and help you shine as your true, authentic Self. You'll also receive exclusive offers and be the first to know what's new. Subscribe free below. Bonus: New subscribers get a code for 20% OFF your entire purchase in the Cosmic Lotus shop! 3 Myths of the Spiritually Awakened

  • Timelines, Past Lives, and Your Soul Path

    Spiritual Awakening Series: Part 2 How to shift and quantum leap through timelines to become more multidimensional. Read or watch! If the video is not loading below, please refresh the page. (For the links referenced in the video, click here to scroll down) This is part 2 of the Spiritual Awakening Series. You can find part 1, in which I explain the Akashic Records and the cosmic field of infinite consciousness, here: What Are The Akashic Records? We all have infinite timelines. What exactly is a timeline, and why is this important to understanding your Soul’s journey? You can think of timelines as possibilities or life paths - or, more accurately, different frequency patterns of choice. A timeline is essentially the path your Soul has its point of focus on right now. It’s the choices you make and moments in time those choices create that you consciously perceive as your current existential reality. A sequence of choices and consequences strung together within the same perceived era of time. Perception of Time Imagine you’re sitting on a rowboat in a winding river. From that rowboat, you only see your immediate area. This represents your ability to perceive only the current, present moment you’re experiencing. But, if you travel upwards to get a bird’s eye view, you can now see that the river winds and stretches endlessly in both directions. You can see that the entire river exists simultaneously, even though from your perspective down in the rowboat you could only see your immediate surroundings. Only being able to see your immediate surroundings doesn’t mean the rest of the river doesn’t also exist in that moment you’re in, it just means that you have a limited ability to perceive it from that rowboat. Meaning, your life path and choices and entire existence all exist simultaneously, but from the human perspective, you’re limited to only being able to perceive one point of focus at a time. Now, expanding this bird’s eye view even higher, you can see that this is not just one long single stretch of river with a couple of forks. There are many forks in the river. There are tributaries, and there are little side streams that flow into bigger rivers that then split off into more streams and rivers, endlessly and infinitely. Timeline Frequencies These rivers and streams are not filled with flowing water, but flowing energetic frequencies, and each one is a bit different than the next. And all of this exists within the cosmic field of infinite consciousness and infinite potential, as all that exists is created from consciousness. The river that you are currently floating down is of a frequency that you are choosing to live and uphold right now. Your daily pattern of choices resonate at a particular frequency, and you are moving down the river, or timeline, that is a match for that frequency. When you come along to a fork in the river, you notice that each fork has a different frequency, as well. And what choice you make dictates what frequency you’ll resonate at going forward, which will be a match to the flow you have moved into. From this expanded view, you can see the pattern of choices you’ve made throughout your existence that led you to the spot you’re focused on right now. If at any time, you had made a different choice, you would have taken a different side stream or fork and ended up in an entirely different river - or, rather, timeline. Choice Frequencies When I say your pattern of choices dictate your frequency, what I mean is the choices you make every day, the actions you take every day, will determine the dominant frequency pattern you resonate at, which may or may not be in alignment with the frequency of your Soul. Your Soul Path is the timeline, or pattern of choices, that resonates at the same frequency as your Divine Soul Blueprint. And, this doesn’t only pertain to what you do for a living or what your hobbies are, but all areas of life and how you choose to show up in the world. The river example is a simplification of timelines and frequency paths, but I use it to try and illustrate the concept of timelines and time and how choices and actions directly affect where you are, where you’re going, and, even where you’ve been. Illuminate your shadow side Take a step off the beaten path, and join Spirit of Lotus Mystic Musings. You'll receive my powerful Dream Shadow Work Journal free! Get to the root of what's holding you back, and transform it into what you WANT to embody. Timelines is a concept used to understand our choice patterns and trajectories, and how making shifts affects our dominant frequency, our future trajectory, and even what past timelines are in our awareness and affecting our current perspective. It shows how the frequency of our actions and reactions resonate both from the past into our present and future, and also from our present time into the future and even back into our past. Changing timelines not only changes where you are and your future trajectory, but changes your past trajectory, as well. This is why I have to include how past lives tie into all of this, but I’ll get to that in just a bit. Gradual Gradient Shifting Timelines don’t have distinct boundaries like a river, they are more of a gradient of different frequencies of existence. As we make small changes, we start to shift our frequency, and therefore our timeline, little bits at time. We don’t necessarily jump from one to the next all at once. Furthermore, I use the images and terminology like “jump” to give context in a way that is comprehensible. Timelines don’t actually exist in a particular location, nor do you actually go anywhere when you change timelines. It’s more like you manifest this new version of reality into your consciousness, bringing you a new perception, new awareness, and access to new experiences and opportunities that weren’t in your previous version of reality. You bring the new frequency to yourself and your current experience as a Soul incarnated into a physical body, you don’t get transported somewhere else. Quantum Leaps Of course, in addition to making gradual shifts, we absolutely can make big jumps, quantum leaps, and collapse timelines. In fact, people do so quite often. Big life changes can shift your reality from where it’s been to something completely different in a moment, or what feels like a moment. An example of this is when my house flooded in 2019. I was moving along on the timeline I had shifted into and gotten quite comfortable with, all the while knowing that was not where I was meant to stay. The massive shift that happened in the few minutes it took an intense freak storm to force water into my house as I watched it spread across the floor turned my world upside down. Not only did I have to temporarily move out, throw stuff out that was ruined by the water, and pack up everything that wasn’t ruined and put it in storage while the house was restored, but, I knew it was time to move on. I sold the house, shut down my business, and moved 280 miles away to start a new life with my partner of over seven years. We had carried on our relationship over a long distance for a long time, with a lot of commuting and travel. We bought a new house, I started a new business, and my son started a new school. Everything about my reality changed seemingly out of nowhere within a few months, and we were all in a completely different timeline with a completely different frequency to adjust to. When I say “we” were in a new timeline, I’m referring to the collective timeline the three of us shifted into together with all these life changes, and also our individual timelines we each experience within the collective one. Collective Timelines There are collective timelines that we share with each other in addition to our unique individual timelines we each have - individual existential realities within collective existential realities. And, there are smaller collective timelines and realities within bigger ones. But, you know what? That move was a huge shift getting me closer to the timeline that resonates at my Soul frequency. Now, I could have simply restored the house, replaced the ruined things and put everything else back, moved back in, and resumed rowing down the timeline river I was already in. I could have done that, but, also, I simply couldn’t. Physically, yes, but intuitively, I knew this was my way of pushing myself out and in the direction I needed to go. Sometimes we make it easy and just do what we feel called to, and other times we wait for the flood to come before making the move. The ego wants to stay put to keep us “safe”, while the Higher Self knows it’s time to make changes, and so we manifest a dramatic shift opportunity. Am I saying I flooded my own house? Well, from the human perspective, one would say that wasn’t possible. A tornado caused a storm that flooded the street and my yard and poured water into my house. Interestingly, my house was the only one on the block that flooded that day. Coincidence? Hmm. But, how could I have created that? Divine Creation We are the Divine Creators of our own reality, and when your awareness expands to fully encompass that, you can start to understand the mechanisms behind these kinds of events. It’s not something done from the conscious human mind. From a Divine perspective, you could say my Higher Self set that up as a fail-safe to push me along the correct path in the event I became complacent, which I had. Life was good, it was stable, but also, it was stagnant. We aren’t here to be stagnant, we’re here to CREATE. Stagnation drains your life force. It keeps you from your Soul Path. It kills growth and expansion. Creation and momentum nourish the Soul and fuel the Soul’s journey. Experience your Divine Awakening Feeling lost, stagnant, or confused on your life's journey, and wondering what the next step is? Learn how you can quantum leap into your Divine Awakening and discover your Soul Purpose NOW. The flood shook me out of my complacency and inspired me to start thinking about what I wanted to shift into next, what did I want to create - what felt like the next aligned move. Where I was at that point in my life was meant to be a stepping stone, not the final destination. Our Souls want us to remember who we really are and why we’re here. They want us to shift our 3D reality to match our true Divine frequency. Soul Path Timeline That means living a life that reflects your Soul Purpose. And if you’re in this river over here, but the one that resonates at your Soul frequency is way over there, you’re going to have to make new choices to keep changing timelines until you get to the one that matches. This means making new choices, creating new habits and patterns, healing from old traumas that keep you locked into incongruent patterns, removing karmic blocks, shedding old beliefs and programming, and consciously choosing your reactions to the world around you. It means ditching the many forms of self-sabotage keeping you small. Timelines of the Past Now, looking again at that expanded view of our rivers and streams of life. You see where you currently are, which is your Soul’s current point of focus, you see everything that’s behind you, and all the possible choices ahead of you. What’s behind you is the pattern of choices you previously made that led you to the point where you are right now - both from your current life and your past lives. Nonetheless, you see that there are plenty of other rivers running parallel to the one you’re in, and there are plenty of other rivers parallel to the ones you rowed down in the past. Let’s say you make some new choices, a few times, and from this perspective it appears you took some side streams and found your way to a new river. Here’s something curious that can happen. When you make significant shifts in your timeline, and your normal daily operating frequency changes, not only does it change the trajectory you were on for your future, but it also changes which past timelines are relevant to you now. This can actually cause a change in your past lives, and even changes your perception of the past of your current life, therefore shifting the pathway your Soul “took”, so to speak, to get you to your new point of focus. It’s not that you ditch the past lives or past experiences that you had - it’s that your awareness and consciousness expands in such a way that gives you access to other parallel timelines and those experiences, as well. And, this new part of your journey requires the lessons and choices from those alternate past timelines for you to continue moving forward and growing and expanding on this new timeline. Becoming Multidimensional So, for example, if you had a past life reading before making the shift, and it was revealed that you were a Catholic nun five lifetimes ago, you may find that a new past life reading would yield different results after the shift. Maybe now, you were a military general five lifetimes ago. But, guess what? It’s actually both. Your previous experiences don’t simply go away - you expand and your consciousness becomes more multidimensional. This is because time doesn’t exist in the linear, limited fashion in which we experience it while incarnated in a physical 3D body. All of those parallel, intertwining timelines exist simultaneously, happening all at the same time. They are all a part of your Soul’s story - that infinite journey of growth, awareness, experiences, and expansion. What shows up in a reading is what is relevant to your point of consciousness and awareness right now within that vast, numinous etheric web of your existence. Nothing is absolute, and our Souls, us, are limitless in what they can experience. What we can experience. When your consciousness and awareness shift and expand, what is relevant does, too. When you process your experiences fully and release and heal old karmic blocks and traumas - which is reflected in your new choices, perceptions, and reactions - you move into a new timeline, and begin accessing new other past timelines. That also means, of course, that you activate other old karmic blocks to clear from this new past timeline you’re accessing, if any are still there. These can show up from past lives or from your current life, because they are now relevant to this new leg of your journey. Which brings new blocks to release and grow from, new experiences to learn and expand from. Spiraling Soul Journey That’s why the process of spiritual awakening, karmic healing, and Soul evolution seems like a spiral going into ever deeper and deeper layers, until you eventually reach the core of your true Divine Soul. When all the shadows and blocks and everything that is not authentically you is cleared away, and your thoughts, actions, and reactions are completely in alignment with your Divine Soul Blueprint, that’s when you reach Enlightenment within your human experience, so to speak. Though, Enlightenment is simply another step in a Soul’s journey, which is infinite and ever expanding. Illuminate your shadow side Take a step off the beaten path, and join Spirit of Lotus Mystic Musings. You'll receive my powerful Dream Shadow Work Journal free! Get to the root of what's holding you back, and transform it into what you WANT to embody. Just as your past timelines can shift as a result of changes in your current timeline, you can change your current timeline by making changes in the past. Quantum Timeline Collapsing We don’t have time machines here on Earth just yet, but we do have the Quantum Timeline Collapsing technique. Quantum Timeline Collapsing is a powerful method of clearing blocks you have in your life right now by collapsing timelines of the past and shifting your experience of past events. To collapse timelines means to bring awareness and understanding of multiple timelines of the same events and experiences into your consciousness simultaneously. This expands your multidimensionality, and gives you access to other versions of your experiences, as well as the altered impacts of those experiences going forward. Rather than being trapped in a singular version of reality and whatever affects that had on you, you’re able to choose to access a more empowered, healed reality and all that that new reality can manifest into your current experience. I offer free Quantum Timeline Collapsing Breakthrough calls to any who wish to experience it. These calls only take 15-20 minutes, done over Zoom, in which I coach you through this life-changing (or should I say, timeline shifting) process. I highly, highly recommend scheduling one of these calls if you have anything blocking you from achieving what you want right now. That means, any self-sabotaging patterns, from procrastination to people-pleasing to experiencing feelings of unworthiness, and whatever may be holding you back. It’s a powerful way to dip your toes in and experience what’s really possible for you. Whatever is blocking you most right now, let’s get to the root of it. You can book a call here: Quantum Timeline Collapsing Breakthrough Call Divinely Aligned Soul If you feel like you’re buzzing with excitement to quantum leap fully into your next timeline of Divine potential, and you want the whole shebang - your full Divine Soul Blueprint, your spiritual gifts, your Soul Path frequency, and to clear the entire host of energetic blocks and restrictions and karmic patterns from your current timeline, and know the past life stories that they came from - then you want a Divinely Aligned Soul Reading. This session tells you all you need to know about who you are at Soul level and clear everything - conscious, subconscious, and unconscious - that is holding you back. Your expansion from this session will be far beyond what most people manage in their entire lifetime, or often multiple lifetimes. The Divinely Aligned Soul Reading comprises a detailed Soul reading (there is A LOT that is brought into your consciousness with this), coaching on shifting your frequency to be in alignment with your Soul self, and a full healing protocol to clear all of the energetic and karmic blocks and restrictions that show up from your past and present lives. It’s your roadmap to the maze of life, highlighting your Soul path and Soul gifts, and turning the light on all the hidden roadblocks so you can easily move them out and quantum leap to your highest potential. Some of what is included in this experience is: Soul Purpose & Frequency Spiritual Gifts Energetic Blocks Karmic Patterns Past Life Stories Soul Coaching Healing Protocol You can find more information about this session at the link here, along with a special offer for you: Divinely Aligned Soul Reading Thank you so much for reading and subscribing, I appreciate it so much! Please check the resources below. 💎 Wisdom and healing through the cosmic field: Divinely Aligned Soul Reading 💎 Free Quantum Timeline Collapsing Breakthrough Call: Book Your Call 💎 My shop with helpful workbooks and meditations is here: Cosmic Lotus Shop 💎 Energy healing session information can be found here: Distance Healing Sessions or In person sessions 💎 Subscribe to receive a beautiful Shadow Work journal here: Shadow Work Journal From the desk of Neelou Saleh Spirit of Lotus How I can help you: Discover who you are at soul level and quantum leap your healing process with a Divinely Aligned Soul Reading. I have an ever-growing collection of beautiful products in my shop to help you on your journey of awakening, healing, and self-discovery. Or... Book your in-person or distance healing session: Take a walk off the beaten path, and become a Spirit of Lotus Insider. The Spirit of Lotus newsletter is all about exploring the art and science of nurturing the mind, body, and spirit - to facilitate deep healing, inner peace, immense joy, and help you shine as your true, authentic Self. You'll also receive exclusive offers and be the first to know what's new. Subscribe free below. Bonus: New subscribers get a code for 20% OFF your entire purchase in the Cosmic Lotus shop! Timelines, Past Lives, & Your Soul Path

  • What are the Akashic Records?

    Spiritual Awakening Series: Part 1 Is it a mystical place, a cosmic database, an ancient tome, or...? Everything you need to know to understand the Akashic Records. Read or watch! If the video is not loading below, please refresh the page. (For the links referenced in the video, click here to scroll down) You may have heard of a mystical database, or perhaps a mysterious library, referred to as the Akashic Records. What actually are the "Akashic Records", you might be wondering. Are they real? Are they a place? Where are they? How do you access them? What can be learned from them? And what is the point, anyway? I'll answer all these questions for you, beautiful, curious Soul, as best I can, based on my own experience in working with the Records, and my own perspectives and contemplations. I'll first explain the way I learned about the Akashic Records, simply because it gives a grounded, solid foundation to start understanding them, before I elaborate on the more expanded understanding I have of the Records now. Basic concepts of the Akashic Records The word Akashic comes from a Sanskrit word Akasha, also pronounced Akasa, which means “space”, “sky”, or “ether”. I first learned about the Akashic Records most likely from much the same perspective as many others. It was described to me as a sort of cosmic database, where everything that ever happens is constantly being recorded, similar to how a court stenographer quickly records everything that is said and happens in court proceedings, as they go. No subjective opinions, or bias, or agendas - just, simply, a recording of everything that happens everywhere as it does so, in its true essence. I was taught that every Soul, every place, every entity, and so on, each have their own individual records that can be accessed, and that there are even records within records. A situation in which there may be a record within a record is when the existence of an entity depends entirely on the existence of another. For example, a business that consists only of the person who created it - a sole proprietor. The business itself is an entity with a record, but because its existence depends on the person who created and upholds it, its record would be found WITHIN the record of its creator. On the other hand, a business that exists without the energy and attention of any one person will have it's own record, independently. A state that depends on the existence of a country to exist would have its record located in the record of that country, for another example. Who can access a Soul's Record? There are rules about who can access any given Soul's record. That is, no one can access the record of another Soul without that Soul's permission. It simply is private information that only the Soul itself needs to know, and each Soul has control over who can access its record. There are some exceptions to this rule, though, and they are specific. One exception is if the Soul whose record you want to access is your child who is dependent on you. This no longer applies once they become independent. You can access the records of your children because as long as they're energetically in your care, you have the authority to know about them whatever you need to in order to do your best for them. Another exception to the privacy rule is if the other Soul is a person with whom your life is so intertwined that their consequences are your consequences, too. This typically applies to couples who live together and share responsibilities and finances, married or not. If your lives are so merged that whatever they do affects you, too, you have permission by way of involvement to access their Soul Record. Keep in mind that an abusive parent or partner may not, in fact, be able to access the Records of their children or partners, as the abuse would be a breach of personal responsibility that negates the permission they would otherwise have. One other instance in which a Soul's Record can be accessed without permission, at least to some extent, is if the Soul is a public figure whose actions have significant consequences on the rest of the population, and the person wanting access is part of that population. An example is powerful politicians, or even celebrities who choose to put themselves out there to sway public opinion and have a lot of influence. Not necessarily everything in their Records can be accessed, but some information, yes. Their permission is implied by the role they choose to fill in society. Records of countries, businesses, events, etc., can be accessed by anyone without permission. Illuminate your shadow side Take a step off the beaten path, and join Spirit of Lotus Mystic Musings. You'll receive my powerful Dream Shadow Work Journal free! Get to the root of what's holding you back, and transform it into what you WANT to embody. Where are the Akashic Records? The Akashic Records are said to be located at the 5th dimensional realm of existence. Our bodies are in the 3D realm, and our minds in the 4D realm, for reference. Our Souls and the aspects of us that are infinite are in the 5th dimension and above. At least this is how its said to work, but its more complicated than that, because dimensions of density are a gradient that go from one to the next and don't have any hard boundaries. But, this is a huge topic that needs a post all to itself, so I will talk more about this another time (please subscribe if you'd like an update as to when I publish this). For simplicities sake here, we will say the dimensions are separate, and you must bring your consciousness into the 5th dimensional realm to access the Akashic Records. They aren't in any particular place, as all dimensions exist simultaneously in the same place, and are actually different levels of consciousness you can move your focus between. The Akashic Records are not physical, but etheric. However, most people who access them choose to visualize them as something they can relate to - a library, a computer accessing a cosmic “internet”, a temple of ancient scrolls, and so on - this is unique for each person. How to access the Akashic Records? For many people, much like Reiki, they receive an attunement from an experienced practitioner before trying to access the Akashic Records. Attunements are quite simple, yet powerful. They aren't explicitly necessary, as some people are able to attune on their own, and some are born already attuned and manage to maintain it as they grow older. The purpose of the attunement is to activate intuitive capabilities of tapping into a specific frequency. Everyone has this ability at the subconscious or unconscious level, but not everyone chooses to activate it into their conscious awareness and control. Receiving an attunement in itself may not even be enough - if the person being attuned tends to live in a lower frequency state due to life choices, they may not be able to access the higher frequency. In this case, it's up to the individual to do the work on themselves to open this ability, through doing shadow work, meditation, energy healing, exercise, and most importantly, shifting their perspective and changing their daily life choices. Ultimately, it's always in the power of the individual as to whether or not they can access this high-frequency cosmic database. How do you get information from the Akashic Records? Interestingly enough, the actual obtaining of information from the Akashic Records can be the most challenging part of the process. This is because of the vast, infinite vat of knowledge that it is. Practitioners tend to develop their own protocols through practice, and knowing what to ask about or look for. This process can be as unique as each individual. Imagine you're sitting in front of a computer that has access to the internet. Well, you don't have to imagine, because you're probably doing that right now - if not a computer, then a handheld device, either way. The internet has billions and billions of websites with all kinds of information, but unless you know what search terms to input, it can be difficult to find exactly what you're looking for. The vast, vast majority of the information out there is useless to your purposes, so you must know how to pluck out specifically what is useful. This is the same with the Akashic Records. They contain infinite information, and most of it is useless for any practical purpose. So, there is no one or simple answer to this question, as pulling information from the Records is a skill developed through experience and practice, though the process can be sped up tremendously with a good teacher. Like many skills in life. What can you learn about a Soul from the Akashic Records? Everything there is to know about a Soul from the very moment of its creation is contained in the Soul's record. The Soul's original Divine Blueprint is of key importance. This is the frequency makeup of the Soul, kind of like its DNA. This doesn't change from lifetime to lifetime - it's constant. This information reveals the spiritual gifts that are innately part of the Soul, and therefore the person. This is the main foundation of an individual's Soul path, or purpose, and what they would want to embody to be in alignment with their Divine true nature. Another important aspect is the Soul's cosmic "origin" (not precisely, since all Soul's originate from the same Source, but rather where it first began incarnating after its creation). This gives more information about natural gifts and tendencies, as a Soul tends to take on some traits of its place of origin, or, Soul Family. This answers a common question of the spiritually awakened - "What starseed am I?" You can also discover how many lives a Soul has lived, or, how many times they have incarnated. I will say, this number is vastly beyond the limited thinking that has been floating around from the common perspective for a very long time. Knowing the truth about this will blow your mind right open. Experience your Divine Awakening Feeling lost, stagnant, or confused on your life's journey, and wondering what the next step is? Learn how you can quantum leap into your Divine Awakening and discover your Soul Purpose NOW. The other side of that coin is that the concept of past, present, and future lives is very different and more complex than simply going from incarnation to incarnation in a limited, linear fashion. This is another huge topic all its own, though, that I'll have to talk about in a future post. Of course, you can also get much information about what went on in any given past life, as well. Other gifts that can be revealed would be any specialities the Soul has accumulated through its many incarnations, and the evolution and expansion the Soul experiences in that process. Aside from learning who someone is at Soul level, other vital information that can be obtained in the Records are the karmic blocks and patterns that the Soul has created and is holding itself to. These are both from past and present lives, and are the source of self-sabotage and the main mechanism that keeps humans confused and lost and separated from their Divinity. Learning what karmic blocks, restrictions, and patterns a Soul is upholding is vital, as bringing that into one's consciousness is how it can be processed and released, so the individual is free to shift into alignment with their Divine Soul frequency. These karmic patterns are NOT inflicted on anyone from any higher power or universal law, but merely by the individual themselves. The whole topic of karma and what it is and isn't is something I'll be discussing in a future post, as well, because it's a concept rife with limiting misinformation that needs to be clarified. There is so much more, which I cannot ever fit into any post, video, or even novel, as the Records and all they are, is endless - literally everything, and it is infinite, as everything is infinite - dimensions, timelines, universes, everything that is, ever has been, and ever will be, all exists simultaneously, infinitely and endlessly. And this brings me to the more expanded perspective I have of the Akashic Records now. My perspectives come from my experience in working with the Records, combined with my experience in many other esoteric modalities and practices - such as various forms of energy healing, meditation, and the evolution and expansion of my own intuitive abilities, through the time I spend with my awareness in 5D and even 6D realms of consciousness, my observations, studies, and contemplations in many, many different spiritual, philosophical, and psychological topics and concepts. An expanded perspective of the Akashic Records As I hinted at a bit earlier, the Akashic Records are more than just a database of information contained in neatly organized ethereal files. Or, maybe what I mean is, the Akashic Records are a limited version of the absolute of what is. Or, perhaps both. What we call the Akashic Records is a somewhat boxed up concept of one aspect of what I like to refer to as the cosmic field of infinite potential - or, cosmic field of infinite consciousness, even. Consciousness is the creator substance of all that exists. Consciousness is the creator substance of all that exists. To be succinct, I'll simply refer to it as the cosmic field. This cosmic field is everywhere, in everything, and is everything that ever existed, does exist, or will exist, being formed into whatever the infinite streams of consciousness of existence wish it to be. It doesn't simply contain information, it is the information. It is all dimensions, all universes, all beings, all projections, and all timelines. Every Soul has an infinite number of timelines, possibilities, or different pathways, if you will, that it can choose to direct the point of focus of its consciousness. This is part of where I find a difference between what the Akashic Records are vs what the cosmic field is. The Akashic Records, as they were, are a more contained version of a Soul's history. Rather than including the information about all timelines and possibilities and realities, the Akashic Records focus only on the pathway that the Soul took as its path of focus of consciousness, from the perspective of the current point of consciousness that it is in right now. So, in other words, the current perspective of your Soul, you, is the existential reality you are in right now. The information about past lives, and anything else pulled from the Akashic Records from your current perspective will only be relative to the path that your consciousness took to get you to this specific moment and level of awareness. You can only “see” what you can understand from your current perspective of awareness, and that which is relevant to the current timeline you're on. Everything else is excluded, unless and until your consciousness perspective shifts enough for other information to become relevant. And that's okay, because for the purpose of sorting out your current life path, this is practical. You don't need the other information until you shift or collapse timelines through new conscious choices (just a side note that timelines are another complex topic I'll talk about separately). Whereas, the cosmic field is all of everything. The Akashic Records are a limited version of the cosmic field. It's concept that was developed by humans in order to make it easier to sort out what's what in the cosmic field of infinite everything. Just like the shared existential reality we're in - that is the world and universe as we know it - is created through agreements and values of the collective unconscious, concepts such as the Akashic Records are created in the same way. Those who first "discovered" the Akashic Records, so to speak, were actually creating it through their own stream of consciousness and agreements collectively. By sharing this information with others, who also access and teach the Akashic Records, the collective unconscious upholding them has grown. Illuminate your shadow side Take a step off the beaten path, and join Spirit of Lotus Mystic Musings. You'll receive my powerful Dream Shadow Work Journal free! Get to the root of what's holding you back, and transform it into what you WANT to embody. Streams of consciousness, both individual and collective, are how anything is created from the cosmic field, and exactly how the Akashic Records came to be. Breaking large concepts down into smaller, more manageable parts is how humans understand life and existence more readily. Now, just like we each live in our own individual existential reality within the collective one, the experience of each individual in the Akashic Records will be a bit different than how it is for the next person, as we all perceive and experience our realities differently depending on our level of awareness and how our Soul relates to the rest of existence. The cosmic field of infinite consciousness and potential is a big concept to truly understand, and so in order to work with it in specific ways, humans have broken it down into many smaller concepts - the Akashic records, universal laws, manifestation, etc.. It's all relevant, but it's all just parts of the whole. As we grow and evolve and expand our awareness, we're able to perceive and comprehend higher and higher levels of consciousness, and so eventually we begin to experience all these parts as the whole. This cosmic field is the high frequency creator substance from which all is formed through streams of consciousness. It's the medium through which we create the beautiful art of existence - our existential realities within existential realities. And, it's the field through which any information about any of those realities is accessed. It's true that any given Soul's journey can only be accessed by that Soul itself or by someone who has their permission, except in the specific situations I explained previously where permission is automatically granted due to certain circumstances. A Soul's Divine Blueprint and journey are personal and sacred. At least, from this lower density level of consciousness. Being that, in higher densities there is less and less separation between one Soul and the next and things change. But, that's a conversation for another time. Important distinction for star seeds One thing I want to note that I discovered when doing Soul readings is that inquiring about a Soul's group of origination doesn't always bear the actual origin of where the Soul first incarnated. Rather, it's often the current Soul group that the Soul identifies with, and is the information that the Higher Self considers most relevant for the person to become aware of at that time. Being that, whatever cosmic group the Soul currently relates to is what star seed they are and is often more important to know than where they very first started (though, as the Soul expands in this lifetime, that information may become relevant and will be revealed). Experience your Divine Awakening Feeling lost, stagnant, or confused on your life's journey, and wondering what the next step is? Learn how you can quantum leap into your Divine Awakening and discover your Soul Purpose NOW. It's important to note that no Soul specifically belongs to any one cosmic race or part of the Universe, but they do develop preferences for how they like to incarnate, where, and even what gender. Though, they can incarnate anywhere and as anything they like, depending on what the desired experience is. Everyone can access the cosmic field Everyone is accessing the cosmic field of infinite consciousness to some degree or another, though most are doing so subconsciously or unconsciously. It’s through this access that we each create our lives and everything in them. The problem with this is that when you're accessing it and creating your reality from the subconscious or unconscious mind, you often aren't creating what you want, but rather, what your subconscious is programmed to create. And that is driven by the karmic patterns hidden in the shadows, as well as programming from this lifetime. To learn to access it consciously, one must do the "work" on themselves to clear out karmic blocks and elevate their frequency. There are many ways to do this, of course, and most will benefit from coming at it from multiple angles, though not necessarily all at once. Or, maybe do so all at once, depending on the person. Doing shadow work is what I would call a basic necessity (and I have a free Shadow Work Journal available by subscribing), certainly through meditation, and also through taking care of your body temple with exercise and aligned eating habits. Receiving energy work is tremendously helpful for many people for shifting into a more aligned, healed, higher frequency version of yourself. One of the fastest ways to quantum shift into the most aligned version of you is through wisdom and healing you can receive from the Akashic Records and cosmic field. The Divinely Aligned Soul Readings I do are for exactly this - knowing who you are at Soul level, what your gifts are, and, very importantly, what are the karmic patterns and blocks that are holding you back from creating the reality you really want. The Divinely Aligned Soul Reading comprises an Akashic Records Soul reading (there is A LOT that is brought into your consciousness with this), coaching on shifting your frequency to be in alignment with your Divine Soul Blueprint, and a full healing protocol to clear all of the energetic and karmic blocks and restrictions that show up from your past and present lives. It’s your roadmap to the maze of life, highlighting your Soul path and Soul gifts, and turning the light on all the hidden roadblocks so you can easily move them out and quantum leap to your highest potential. Some of what is included in this experience is: Soul Purpose & Frequency Spiritual Gifts Energetic Blocks Karmic Patterns Past Life Stories Soul Coaching Healing Protocol 💎 More information on these sessions can be found here: Divinely Aligned Soul Reading 💎 My shop with helpful workbooks and meditations is here: Cosmic Lotus Shop 💎 Energy healing session information can be found here: Distance Healing Sessions or In person sessions 💎 Subscribe to receive a beautiful Shadow Work journal here: Shadow Work Journal So, in essence, I do find the mental construct of “records” to be a very limiting, and a very 3D human concept. I believe it was created in order to try and explain this cosmic field of infinite consciousness in a way that more people could wrap their minds around, in a way that could be taught to others. Though, it is very practical, and very useful, and a great starting point, but I want to stress that it is not the whole picture, not absolute by any means, nor is the more expanded perspective I’m sharing here. This is an ever-evolving experience for me, and as I come to new levels of understanding and awareness, I’ll continue to share my new perspectives in future posts. Next read: Spiritual Awakening Series Part 2: Timelines, Past Lives, & Your Soul Path From the desk of Neelou Saleh Spirit of Lotus How I can help you: Discover who you are at soul level and quantum leap your healing process with a Divinely Aligned Soul Reading. I have an ever-growing collection of beautiful products in my shop to help you on your journey of awakening, healing, and self-discovery. Or... Book your in-person or distance healing session: Take a walk off the beaten path, and become a Spirit of Lotus Insider. The Spirit of Lotus newsletter is all about exploring the art and science of nurturing the mind, body, and spirit - to facilitate deep healing, inner peace, immense joy, and help you shine as your true, authentic Self. You'll also receive exclusive offers and be the first to know what's new. Subscribe free below. Bonus: New subscribers get a code for 20% OFF your entire purchase in the Cosmic Lotus shop! What are the Akashic Records?

  • Soul intuition and life purpose

    Why you should listen to your inner whisper even when the meaning isn't immediately obvious. There’s no rabbit hole like going through old photos looking for something specific, and finding yourself seeing a replay of an era of your life. I saw this one, and thought, Hey! I remember that girl. 27 years old, belly dancing and covered in henna. Often barefoot, and always communing with nature (okay, well, those last two are still true). A free spirit, flitting from thing to thing, not knowing how much it would help me in the not-so-far off future. This photo was taken in April 2009. I started my business in October 2011. If it hadn’t been for all my dabbling and experimenting and curiosity (an oft overlooked feature of soul intuition), the process of launching a business in the most bootstrap way possible would have been much more painful (like it wasn’t already! 😆) Illuminate your shadow side Take a step off the beaten path, and join Spirit of Lotus Mystic Musings. You'll receive my powerful Dream Shadow Work Journal free! Get to the root of what's holding you back, and transform it into what you WANT to embody. I wouldn’t have already known how to build my own website and create my own graphics. I wouldn’t have known how to do bookkeeping and customer service. I wouldn’t have had at least a baseline grasp of how to do marketing. I had no idea I was actually getting my business education from the school of Life. I knew Reiki and crystal healing, meditation, and healing rituals.I always loved writing, so I experimented with blogging. I learned many crafting techniques and had a small shop on eBay where I sold the things I made. And though I had no conscious awareness during the era when this photo was taken that I was going to open a healing business 2.5 years later - in May 2009, I purchased my domain name for Spirit of Lotus. I didn’t know why or what I was going to use it for, but it pulled me in. Experience your Divine Awakening Feeling lost, stagnant, or confused on your life's journey, and wondering what the next step is? Learn how you can quantum leap into your Divine Awakening and discover your Soul Purpose NOW. I was being led down a path to my purpose, picking up along the way everything I would need when it was time to launch. Although I often felt like I was stumbling around in the dark, trying to find my way through my exploration and experimentation, I now understand that everything was Divinely perfect. 💖💫 We don't always understand the plan our Soul has, but as long as we follow the whisper of the Soul, the beauty of it all will soon be revealed. P.S. If you want to learn more about my story and how I got here, you can find that HERE. P.P.S. To find your own path and purpose, learn more HERE. From the desk of Neelou Saleh Spirit of Lotus How I can help you: Discover who you are at soul level and quantum leap your healing process with a Divinely Aligned Soul Reading. I have an ever-growing collection of beautiful products in my shop to help you on your journey of awakening, healing, and self-discovery. Or... Book your in-person or distance healing session: Take a walk off the beaten path, and become a Spirit of Lotus Insider. The Spirit of Lotus newsletter is all about exploring the art and science of nurturing the mind, body, and spirit - to facilitate deep healing, inner peace, immense joy, and help you shine as your true, authentic Self. You'll also receive exclusive offers and be the first to know what's new. Subscribe free below. Bonus: New subscribers get a code for 20% OFF your entire purchase in the Cosmic Lotus shop! Soul intuition and life purpose

  • Coding the Soul: How Technology Fuels Spiritual Awakening

    What happens when innovation meets inner illumination? Many believe there is a distinct boundary between the material and the metaphysical. But, a look just beneath the surface tells a different story. As we navigate the digital age, and the ever-increasing advancement of technology, there is a subtle yet profound undercurrent growing in strength - the current of spiritual awakening and the collective rising of human consciousness. Not only are our technological pursuits and the global evolution of Consciousness not separate from each other - they form a strong, symbiotic relationship that shape and guide one another along. Join me on this journey as we bridge the gap between the tangible world of technology and the intangible realms of the Soul - and explore this dance of the digital and the Divine. A turning point in human evolution Ever since humanity turbo-boosted technological advancements and productivity with the Industrial Revolution, the overall quality of life, economic opportunities, and average life spans have increased dramatically. All of these things, combined with systems that allow for freedom of choice, expression, and innovation - such as free markets and democracy - have come together to create an environment that fosters and allows for humanity to have the time and resources to do more than just survive. For the first time in human history, we have the capacity to pursue our Divinity - explore and embody our Soul Purpose. And we wouldn't have this without massive technological innovation. Our average lifespans have doubled from (in the United States in this example) 39.4 years in 1860 to 78.9 years in 2020. That's a lot of extra years we didn't have not so long ago, to pursue the exploration of our upper multi-dimensional aspects and how we can express our unique Soul blueprints into our daily lives. This new resource of time has led to some humans being allowed the opportunity to start remembering who they really are - after the thousands of years of suppression of consciousness the human species has been suffering under. A global movement of spiritual awakening has been stirring for some time now, and continues to increase its rate, not unlike the rate of increase of our advancements in technology. The Direct Impact of Technology How does technology directly contribute to this global awakening? Not only is it due to added years of life we have to play with now, but as technology has increased productivity, we have more time to indulge in other pursuits. Souls whose gift is technological innovation have the capacity and freedom to do their thing, which is one aspect of how spiritual alignment feeds back into further developments. Everyone else has more free time to explore, develop, and pursue their own gifts. And thanks to the many wonders of the Internet, information has been democratized and distributed the world over. Spiritual mentors and coaches can now help guide seekers on the other side of the planet over Zoom. Hundreds or thousands of people from all around the world can log into the same spiritual workshop simultaneously and learn and share ideas, or participate in global meditation journeys. Newly awakened Souls who have no one in their immediate circle to ask questions of and talk to about their new path in life can hop on Google to find resources, or join spiritual groups on social media to connect with and learn from others. Experience your Divine Awakening Feeling lost, stagnant, or confused on your life's journey, and wondering what the next step is? Learn how you can quantum leap into your Divine Awakening and discover your Soul Purpose NOW. Many people are able to use technology to assist them in their spiritual focus and activities, from meditation apps, to infrared mats, to EMF blockers for the home. A global hand up Another important global shift for the better that humanity has benefited from thanks to innovation - and freedom of choice and expression - is socioeconomic status of the average person. Consider that in 1890, 79% of the world's population was living in extreme poverty. That's basically everyone who wasn't part of the elites or running everything. By 2015, that number shifted to 10% (which means we still have some work to do - but we more than flipped that statistic on its head!). If you think a span of 125 years is a long time - consider that humans have been around for around 300,000 years, and civilization for over 5,000 years. Throughout human history, hundreds or even thousands of years would often go by with little to no change at all. For humanity to make these dramatic shifts in just over a hundred years has previously been unheard of. Going from merely surviving (and not for very long), to thriving, has allowed for the resources and energy, for those who choose, to explore spiritual pursuits and truths in many new ways. Many seekers are able to afford spiritual mentors to speed up their awakening and ascension, spiritual retreats in faraway places, vacations to go immerse themselves in Mother Nature and unplug from the distractions of society, and various spiritual technological devices - such as meditation patches, handheld healing frequency emitters, meditation and ritual apps on their smart phones, and so many more fascinating inventions of this enlightened technological age. The potential pitfalls Of course, not all of the effects on society from our exciting age of technology has been positive. Technology, like many things, can be used for good or evil, and the results of its use is largely dependent on the intent of those who wield it. With the increased use of many incredible devices have come a world of distractions, that have resulted in ever-shrinking attention spans, as well as a large erosion of privacy rights and expectations. There is a strong need to balance the benefits of creating and distributing new technology with ethical and practical boundaries in place, because, well...have you met humans? There will always be those who want to abuse the resources we have available for their own gain - to the detriment of the poor souls on the other end of their malice. From spying to scamming - we've seen it all. Which brings me to the topic of personal responsibility - the underlying key component to any kind of transformation. It's pertinent to be mindful of the pitfalls to all of this wonderful technology, and aware of how it can end up hindering your progress in life. Distractions are abundant anywhere there is a screen to look at - phone, computer, TV, tablet. Ads, clickbait, blatant lies being spread intentionally to cause confusion, the media competing with each other by seeing who can generate the most hate and fear in their viewers, the many TV shows that exist for no other reason than to keep you locked in and "entertained", and the many movies that intentionally try to program their own agenda into your subconscious. Having discernment is critical. Questioning everything is critical. With the advent of instant and constant dissemination of information every moment of every day, comes the tidal wave of every force out there trying to keep you programmed and conditioned to their preferences, and infiltrating seeming reliable sources with false information meant to confuse and confound truth seekers - trying to keep your consciousness suppressed and spiritual awakening at bay. And why would they do this? For their own gain, of course. Spiritually awakened souls pursuing their own Soul Path and alignment to their Divinity are empowered individuals. They know, and use, their own gifts and their own power, and take responsibility for their own reality. Therefore, they cannot be fooled into handing over their power to those who seek to take it. They cannot be manipulated into falling for false narratives or advertising that isn't in alignment with their purpose. Negative souls don't want others to be so empowered. Then there is the issue of scams. Nonstop, endless scammers and hackers and unscrupulous con artists spending every waking moment trying to take you for everything you have. Which is why the tendency of many people to resist and fear the fast oncoming change of new technology is a risky stance to take. Why adoption of new tech for the average user is key When you resist and fear change, and don't learn how to utilize the new technology being pushed out into the world, you leave yourself vulnerable to trickery, not to mention being left behind as the new tech quickly becomes the way of everyday life. A shining example of how this plays out is basic internet usage, especially email. When email first became a thing, many people who were middle-aged and older at the time turned their nose up at all this "new-fangled" technology. We often hear our elders grumbling about how they got along just fine without [insert new thing being implemented here], and they don't need it now. Unfortunately, turning their noses up and delaying the inevitable - the need to have internet literacy and use email effectively - has left them in a difficult position. Those who were middle-aged back then are elderly now, and the most likely demographic to fall for email scams trying to take them for everything they have. This is just one basic and common example of why it's important to embrace a growth mindset - both for yourself and humanity at large. Another recent highlight of the importance of digital literacy was the sudden very heavy reliance the world had on internet communications and services during the covid-19 lock downs. Those who were unfamiliar found themselves very isolated and out of touch. We all certainly hope we never have to experience such an event again, but it goes to show we simply cannot predict what may come along, and when we'll suddenly need those skills. If we delve a little bit into history, we can look at the Luddites, who resisted new textile machinery during the Industrial Revolution, as they feared it would take their jobs. Instead of adapting, they became destructive and rebellious - and ended up dying in poverty and in prison. There's nothing Divine about that. The newest occurrence of this resistance to advancement happening right in front of us guessed it - AI (Artificial Intelligence). Many online business owners and tech-savvy individuals are jumping on board and excited about the new possibilities this technology brings. At the same time, we also see the same resistance as in the past amongst a large segment of the population - largely rooted in fear of change and the unknown, as well as Hollywood's portrayal of a dystopian future of human destruction at the hands of AI in movies like The Terminator. There are others who simply are unaware altogether because they don't tend to keep up with the latest and greatest. Self-Discovery Journal Before we can truly start a journey of healing and growing, we first have to know ourselves - where we are in life, where we want to be, and how we want to get there. Dive deep on an adventure of soul-discovery that can change your perspective and your life with this gorgeous insightful journal. To be fair, I'm speaking in first-world terms here, as there are humans living in parts of the world where they simply don't have access or the resources to learn new tech (even though many second and third world countries do have access to much technology). AI is the next frontier currently being pioneered, not only by the tech industry, but by the average citizen who can now learn to integrate AI into their daily lives, turning hours of tedious work into 30 minute tasks. Now, we have yet another technology that not only frees up more time for spiritual pursuits (for those who choose it), but we're looking at a probable future where AI can give quick and accurate medical diagnoses, for example, thereby saving lives and giving individuals literally more time on this Earth to follow their Soul Path. Until recent times in human history, the average lifespan was less than 40 years old. If you only lived for 40 years, you can imagine that you probably didn't have much opportunity to pursue an extensive journey of spiritual evolution. Most people were only concerned with survival and procreation. I have a personal theory that the reason so many people become "set in their ways" when middle aged - about aged 40 - is because many people simply didn't live past that age for thousands of years. They haven't fully adapted to extended lifetimes, and so on an energetic level, they choose to stop growing and transforming. On some certain level, they stop living and just carry on existing until death. What a waste of a beautiful gift! At the current age of 42 myself, I can tell you for me it's been quite the opposite. The expansion and growth and transformation that kicked in for me has been more than I thought possible (but certainly hoped for). It's all about embracing continual growth and transformation, continuing to explore and dive deeper into the Soul. I highly recommend it! Ethical Considerations Of course, the development and dissemination of new technology doesn't come without the need for ethical considerations. There is the issue of some disadvantaged areas of the world not having access to modern technology, and to that I say - we must innovate. Find new ways to bring our amazing inventions to all parts of the world, so everyone can have the resources and the space to pursue their own Divinity, as is our right as Divine spiritual beings. Having internet access has lifted some women in third-world countries out of poverty, as it gave them a way to sell their crafts to more affluent customers, as a perfect example of why this is so crucial. There is also the issue of scammers, con artists, tyrants, and technocrats. There will always be people out there who want to abuse our technological advancements for their own gain and to the detriment of others. That's certainly not a reason to hold back! It is a reason to be aware, to put necessary regulations and security protections in place, and to continually reevaluate and adjust. It's also very much a reason for everyone - of any age - to stay up-to-date on their digital literacy. Certainly, support from family and the community is helpful for the elderly to adapt to technology. And as for AI taking over the world and enslaving or destroying humanity,'s up to humans to put proper parameters and limitations in place for our creations, and regulations to ensure that this is done correctly. We have the power, the ability, and the obligation to innovate responsibly, as with power always comes responsibility. No excuses! Growth is necessary for existence The reality is, humans must continue to transform, to innovate, to move forward. If we don't, that will surely be our destruction. Just as our bodies will atrophy and disintegrate if we stop using them to create and to live, humanity itself will do the same. We aren't meant to be stagnant. We are meant to overcome challenges and limitations, to keep learning and transforming and creating. Technology and Soul evolution - hand in hand, will elevate humanity to endless heights we can only begin to dream of. Why many Starseeds are attracted to tech If you're reading this, chances are, though not necessarily, you are a Star Seed - meaning that your Soul originated somewhere else in the Universe (or even in a parallel Universe) before you started incarnating on Earth. Many Starseeds have a natural affinity for technology, as they come from civilizations that had much more advanced tech than we do here on Earth right now. In particular, Sirians, Lyrans, and Pleiadians, though they are by far not the only ones. In fact, most of our technological innovation has been the work of Starseeds ushering humanity forward into a new era. They innately understand the important role it plays in allowing humans to rise into a higher level of consciousness and are driven to experiment and create the next wave of our global transformation. Experience your Divine Awakening Feeling lost, stagnant, or confused on your life's journey, and wondering what the next step is? Learn how you can quantum leap into your Divine Awakening and discover your Soul Purpose NOW. Not all Starseeds that love technology are pursuing being the inventors - but many are the avid users and supporters, and understand on some level the important role it plays in their own spiritual awakening - the rising above the haze of suppressed human consciousness to start remembering who they really are, at Soul Level. It's time to start remembering our Soul Purpose, reclaiming our Divine Inheritance, and realigning to the Highest expression of our Divine Souls. If you'd like some help in this process of remembering and aligning to your own Divinity, find out for sure your cosmic origins, and get fully reconnected with your own Soul Blueprint, the Divinely Aligned Soul Session is for you, beautiful soul. From the desk of Neelou Saleh Spirit of Lotus How I can help you: Discover who you are at soul level and quantum leap your healing process with a Divinely Aligned Soul Reading. I have an ever-growing collection of beautiful products in my shop to help you on your journey of awakening, healing, and self-discovery. Or... Book your in-person or distance healing session: Take a walk off the beaten path, and become a Spirit of Lotus Insider. The Spirit of Lotus newsletter is all about exploring the art and science of nurturing the mind, body, and spirit - to facilitate deep healing, inner peace, immense joy, and help you shine as your true, authentic Self. You'll also receive exclusive offers and be the first to know what's new. Subscribe free below. Bonus: New subscribers get a code for 20% OFF your entire purchase in the Cosmic Lotus shop! Coding the Soul: How Technology Fuels Spiritual Awakening

  • The Beauty of Uranus Retrograde 2023

    Learn how the Uranus retrograde in Taurus might affect you and empower yourself to take advantage of this transformative energy. Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably heard it's "retrograde season". If you haven't gotten the memo - five planets (Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto) and one comet (Chiron) have been retrograding simultaneously. And, as of last night (August 28th, 2023) until January 1, 2024, we have a Uranus retrograde in Taurus, as well. This isn't so unusual, as many planets retrograde for several months at a time, but people love to blame the retrograde energy for just about everything. Package got lost in the mail? Retrograde. Gained five pounds? Retrograde. Got annoyed at your husband for breathing the wrong way and flipped your lid? Obviously the retrograde. I hate to break it to you, but it’s not the fault of the retrograding planets, and blaming external factors outside of your control for everything you don’t like is very disempowering and disingenuous. Your actions, responses, beliefs, and paradigms shape the reality you live. You can choose to be a “victim” to the rhythms of the cosmos, or you can choose to work with them to create what you desire. The reality is, retrograde energy is just as normal as direct energy, as it happens very frequently, but it is different. And different doesn't automatically make it negative! In fact, retrograde energy can often give us a reprieve from tense issues ongoing in society or our private lives. Sometimes it's the calm before the storm. And sometimes it can bring up our shadows for proper attention and processing. Every energy can be worked with in a constructive way, no matter which way the planets appear to be moving in the sky. Awaken to your Divinity Feeling lost, stagnant, or confused on your life's journey, and wondering what the next step is? Click the button below for my free mini eBook "Discover Your Soul Purpose" I wanted to bring the Uranus retrograde to your attention because, although Mercury Rx seems to get most of the press (and a bad rep that's not necessarily justified), all of the planets have their own unique energetic blueprint and impact us in different ways. And, I want you to be able to take advantage of the potential transformation this particular energy brings. Uranus Retrograde: A Path to Self-Discovery When Uranus goes into retrograde, it tends to put the spotlight on your self-sabotage tendencies and what isn't in alignment for you. You can stubbornly cling to these things - or, you can let the light shine those shadows into oblivion while you reassess what kinds of actions you want to be taking and what lens through which you want to see the world. Expect the unexpected and be ready to embrace change, listen to your intuition, and gain clarity on your Soul Path. A Catalyst for Transformation This is the time to tune in and turn adversity into opportunity. Whatever themes and events were at the forefront of your life from late August last year through late January of this year - these themes are likely to reignite during this retrograde period. To put things in perspective on how beneficial this retrograde can be, last year I used this time to do a massive deep dive into my own Soul work, strengthen my connection to my Higher Self, and dive headfirst into a new path of Alignment. This quickly led to my first 5-figure month since opening my new business location, after feeling like I had been hitting a wall for no explainable reason. In other words, I stepped further onto my Soul Path and got out of my own way! This is your opportunity to do the same. Embrace the Journey This is a time for introspection, innovation, and personal growth. It's a time to dig into old false beliefs that don't serve your Highest good and break self-sabotaging patterns your ego uses to keep you in status quo. A time to detox and declutter, reevaluate your goals, and embrace change for the better. As you navigate this Uranus retrograde, keep in mind that it's not about fearing disruption, but about harnessing its transformative power. Just as the planets move in cyclical patterns, our lives also ebb and flow. The key is to ride the waves of energy, adapting and evolving as needed. Practical Strategies for Harnessing Uranus Retrograde Energy 1. Self-Reflection: Take dedicated moments each day to contemplate the direction your life is headed. Delve into the questions that might be lingering on the edges of your awareness. Are you on the right path? What aspects of your life need fine-tuning? Uranus retrograde provides the perfect backdrop for seeking profound insights into these soul-searching inquiries. 2. Innovative Thinking: Embrace the Divine creator within you. Use this time to reignite your creative flame and embark on a journey of innovative exploration. Break free from the limits of routine thinking and step into the realm of fresh ideas. Dive into unconventional hobbies that might have piqued your interest. Allow yourself to be a trailblazer, unafraid of challenging existing norms. 3. Embracing Change: Instead of merely weathering the storm of change, actively welcome it. Uranus retrograde encourages you to become a dance partner with change, adapting and flowing gracefully with its rhythm. As unexpected situations arise, greet them with curiosity rather than resistance. This adaptable mindset can lead to unexpectedly positive outcomes and a sense of empowerment in navigating the unknown. 4. Detox and Declutter: Just as Uranus is associated with revolutions and upheavals, you can use this period to initiate a revolution in your physical and mental spaces. Declutter your surroundings, letting go of possessions that no longer serve a purpose. However, don't limit the decluttering to your physical space alone—venture into your mental landscape as well. Shed outdated beliefs and thought patterns to make space for fresh, empowering energies. Ignite Your Divine Limitless Reservoir This transformative healing will to take you on an empowering journey of spiritual elevation and energetic purification, to unlock and ignite your Divine limitless potential. 5. Revisit Goals: With the cosmic energy of Uranus by your side, embark on a journey of self-evaluation. Take a closer look at your long-term goals and aspirations. Do they still align with your evolving values and desires? This is the ideal time to recalibrate your ambitions, ensuring that they resonate with your authentic self and reflect your true path. 6. Listen to Intuition: During Uranus retrograde, your intuitive faculties are heightened. Pay close attention to those hunches, gut feelings, and whispers from the universe. These subtle messages could lead you to transformative decisions that align with your soul's purpose. Allow your intuition to be your compass as you navigate the uncharted waters of this retrograde season. 7. Reconnect with Technology: As the celestial bodies realign, consider realigning with the technological tools that surround you. This is an opportune moment to update your gadgets, explore new software, or engage with digital platforms that resonate with your interests. Embrace the innovative side of technology and leverage it as a means to enhance your personal and professional growth. 8. Shadow Work: Uranus retrograde serves as a cosmic spotlight, illuminating the shadows that might have remained hidden in the background of your subconscious. This is an invitation to engage in shadow work—a process of confronting and healing aspects of yourself that you might have been avoiding. Embrace these darker facets with compassion and self-understanding, allowing them to integrate into the wholeness of your being. 9. Relationships: The energy of Uranus retrograde can also influence your interactions with others. Take a conscious step back to evaluate the dynamics in your relationships. Are there unresolved tensions or unspoken matters that could benefit from your attention? This is a time to engage in heartfelt conversations and address any underlying issues, fostering healthier and more authentic connections. 10. New Perspectives: Uranus, the cosmic agent of change, encourages you to break free from the shackles of routine and embrace novelty. Challenge yourself to view life from different angles, even if it means venturing into unfamiliar territory. Embrace change not just as a fleeting occurrence but as a profound catalyst for personal evolution. Remember, as the planets weave their cosmic dance, you have the power to harmonize with the energies that flow through your life. The retrograde periods are opportunities to slow down, reflect, and recalibrate. Allow Uranus retrograde to guide you on a journey of self-discovery, innovation, and growth. Expanding Your Cosmic Horizons Astrology, like life itself, is a journey of self-discovery and growth. While planetary movements can offer insights, remember that you're the captain of your ship. Your intentions, actions, and choices shape your reality. As you embrace the transformative energy of Uranus retrograde, remember that this is a powerful opportunity for positive change. It's not about fearing disruptions, but about using them as catalysts for growth. Just as the cosmos follow their intricate patterns, you too can find harmony in the ever-changing rhythm of life. Wishing you a transformative cosmic journey ahead! Self-Discovery Journal Before we can truly start a journey of healing and growing, we first have to know ourselves - where we are in life, where we want to be, and how we want to get there. Dive deep on an adventure of soul-discovery that can change your perspective and your life with this gorgeous insightful journal. Sometimes, we all need a little assistance to get on the right path. We don’t exist in a vacuum, and humans are meant to connect with and help one another. If you can do it alone - wonderful! But, if you're feeling like your stuck on the hamster wheel of mindset and healing work with no forward momentum, and want to deep dive into your soul, uncover what’s holding you back, and identify and eliminate the negative karmic patterns that cause you to continue to recreate the same unwanted situations in your life over and over - I’m here to help. I offer my Divinely Aligned Soul Reading to quantum leap the healing process - a truly enlightening and transformational healing and clearing experience - to return your Soul to its original, pure, powerful state, so you can live your Divinity as you were always meant to. Know who you are at soul level, learn to love yourself unconditionally, bring all of your negative karmic patterns into your consciousness and transmute them all into ALIGNMENT with your true Divine Nature. Click for more information: Divinely Aligned Soul Reading From the desk of Neelou Saleh Spirit of Lotus How I can help you: Discover who you are at soul level and quantum leap your healing process with a Divinely Aligned Soul Reading. I have an ever-growing collection of beautiful products in my shop to help you on your journey of awakening, healing, and self-discovery. Or... Book your in-person or distance healing session: Take a walk off the beaten path, and become a Spirit of Lotus Insider. The Spirit of Lotus newsletter is all about exploring the art and science of nurturing the mind, body, and spirit - to facilitate deep healing, inner peace, immense joy, and help you shine as your true, authentic Self. You'll also receive exclusive offers and be the first to know what's new. Subscribe free below. Bonus: New subscribers get a code for 20% OFF your entire purchase in the Cosmic Lotus shop! The Beauty of Uranus Retrograde in Taurus 2023

  • Animal Spirit Guides: The Bee

    Open your heart and mind to the wisdom of the Bee: focus, resilience, motivation, innovation, collaboration, communication, determination, diligence, efficiency. I've been working outside in my front garden a TON this spring and summer (sometimes I feel like I live outside more than in these days). We completely renovated our landscaping, and that means lots of new baby plants to tend to and get established. I LOVE that these new plants are already flowering like crazy, and in addition to the beautiful colors - we have a plethora of pollinators flying around. I've never seen so many butterflies and bees in my yard. I enjoy watching the little bees diligently doing their sacred work. Going from flower to flower, dipping in and collecting the pollen, then on to the next, flower after flower. Those amazing little creatures never seem to take a break. Bees are quite inspiring, actually, and in observing them I got to pondering on the Spirit of the Bee - what it embodies and symbolizes, and how I can bring those traits into my own daily life. I decided to embark on a deep dive into connecting with the Bee Spirit and what it means to channel the qualities of the Bee. Embracing the Bee as Your Spirit Animal: Power in Unity, Indomitable Diligence, and Resilience The bee exudes a potent symbol of unwavering community, tireless labor, and unyielding fortitude. As a spirit animal, the bee epitomizes triumph over obstacles through cooperation and unwavering commitment. When you're facing challenging situations, seeking guidance from the bee can provide valuable insights. Bees are known for their resilience, adaptability, and collective effort. Let's delve into the profound significance of having the bee as your guiding spirit and uncover the invaluable lessons we can glean from this extraordinary creature. The Essence of Connecting with the Bee as Your Spirit Animal Forging a connection with the bee as your spirit animal entails embracing the fundamental values these diminutive beings embody. Bees, remarkable social creatures, harmoniously work in tandem, orchestrated with remarkable efficiency for the collective benefit of their colony. By embodying the essence of the bee, you're encouraged to: ● Cultivate profound bonds with others. ● Embrace the beauty of teamwork and collaborative synergy. ● Persevere tenaciously through arduous trials with unrelenting resolve. ● Embody resilience, embracing adversity as opportunity. ● Adapt to change and learn to thrive in different situations. ● Maintain focus and determination to accomplish goals. ● Seek help and expertise through clear communication. The Bee's Profound Significance as Your Spirit Animal As your spirit animal, the bee signifies your inherent aptitude for collaborative harmony in the pursuit of shared objectives. You likely thrive in environments that foster cooperation, comprehending the invaluable contributions each individual brings and excelling at motivating and inspiring others. Bees work together as a highly organized and efficient community. Each bee has a role to play, and they collaborate seamlessly to achieve their common goal. When facing difficult circumstances, seek support from others and foster collaboration. Surround yourself with a network of individuals who can provide guidance, expertise, and emotional support. Bees communicate with each other to share information about food sources and potential threats. Similarly, when you're facing challenging situations, don't hesitate to seek help and expertise. Consult with others who have relevant experience or knowledge. Their perspectives and insights can provide valuable guidance and enable you to make more informed decisions. Are you ready to meet your Bee Spirit Guide? The Bee Spirit Animal Guide Toolkit has everything you need to assist and support you in connecting with your Bee Spirit Animal. Practices, meditations, prayers, journal prompts, affirmations, and much more - all to guide you in channeling the powerful Bee Spirit. Bees are adaptable creatures. They adjust their behavior and strategies based on changing circumstances, such as shifts in the availability of food sources or alterations in their environment. Similarly, in challenging situations, it's important to be flexible and adapt your approach. Assess the situation, identify new opportunities, and be willing to try different approaches to overcome obstacles. Like bees, who face various obstacles such as weather changes and predators, it's important to acknowledge that difficulties will arise in life. However, just as bees persist and find solutions, it's crucial for us to cultivate resilience in challenging situations. Rather than dwelling on the problem, focus on seeking solutions and maintaining a positive mindset. Believe in your own ability to overcome adversity and trust that you have the strength and resources to navigate through difficult times. Embrace the bee's spirit of resilience and face challenges with a similar steadfast determination. Be inspired by the bees' unwavering sense of purpose. Just as they remain focused on their tasks, it's essential for you to maintain your own clarity and determination when faced with challenges. Take the time to define your goals clearly and remain committed to them. Create a plan, breaking it down into achievable steps, and persist even when faced with setbacks or obstacles along the way. Stay dedicated to your objectives and let the bees' diligence guide you on your journey. Moreover, the bee serves as a profound reminder to strike a delicate equilibrium between industrious labor and essential downtime. Much like the discerning bee knows when to return to the hive for rejuvenation, nurturing your mental well-being through self-care and relaxation becomes paramount to sustaining your vitality. The Profound Meaning of Having a Spirit Animal Having a spirit animal encompasses a deeply personal and spiritual journey, enabling you to forge a profound connection with the innate qualities and traits of the chosen animal. Your spirit animal assumes the role of a sagacious guide, bestowing wisdom and insight as you navigate the tribulations of life. It personifies your unique strengths and capabilities, and embracing its Spirit empowers you to further cultivate and amplify these qualities within yourself. What Does It Mean to Embrace the Bee as Your Spirit Animal? When the bee becomes your Spirit Animal, it carries profound significance that resonates with your current life circumstances. Here's a deeper exploration of what it could symbolize: ● The presence of the bee as your spirit animal signifies a strong yearning to engage with and contribute to a community. It reflects your desire to collaborate and work collectively to enhance and uplift the environment around you. ● Embracing the bee as your spirit animal also represents your aspiration for enduring and harmonious connections with others. Whether it's within your community, workplace, or family, you seek meaningful and ongoing bonds that foster unity and collaboration. ● The bee imparts the teachings of resilience and determination. It serves as a guiding force, encouraging you to persist through both challenging and mundane situations. By embodying the bee's unwavering spirit, you cultivate the strength to navigate difficulties and persevere with steady resolve. ● Furthermore, the bee inspires you to stay focused on your overarching goals. It reminds you to channel your energy and efforts towards what truly matters, ensuring that you remain dedicated to your aspirations. Embracing the bee as your spirit animal grants you access to its transformative qualities, guiding you towards a purposeful existence enriched by community, resilience, determination, and commitment to your goals. Experience your Divine Awakening Feeling lost, stagnant, or confused on your life's journey, and wondering what the next step is? Learn how you can quantum leap into your Divine Awakening and discover your Soul Purpose NOW. The resplendent colors adorning a bee as a spirit animal hold profound symbolism, enriching our comprehension of this magnificent creature. ● Black - This ebony hue embodies enigma, profundity, and intuitive prowess. It unveils the veiled wisdom and esoteric knowledge nestled within bees, especially regarding their extraordinary acumen in communication and navigation. ● Yellow - The resplendent yellow golden hue, an emblem of exuberance, vitality, and radiant warmth. Within the realm of the bee as a spirit animal, this luminary color signifies the unwavering diligence and devotion exhibited by bees, as well as their innate capacity to foster serenity and equilibrium within their bustling colony. Unleashing the Dynamic Force of the Bee: Surmounting Obstacles and Triumphing over Adversity Within the bee's spirited essence lies an indomitable energy, ready to guide you through life's trials. By harmonizing with Bee Spirit, you can: ● Forge Unbreakable Bonds: Embrace the bee's enchanting spirit to weave webs of profound connection, fortifying a community that stands together in surmounting obstacles and achieving collective triumphs. ● Embody Tenacity and Grit: Immerse yourself in the resolute Spirit of the Bee, cultivating unwavering determination and devotion, propelling you forward even amidst the most formidable challenges. ● Masterful Art of Communication: Discover the artistry of communication through the bee's awe-inspiring prowess, mastering the delicate balance of clarity and resonance, ensuring your message resonates with others. ● Cultivate Resilience: Draw upon the bee's wellspring of unwavering resilience, fortifying your inner core to confront adversity head-on, transforming setbacks into catalysts for growth and renewal. Unveiling the Profound Symbolism of the Bee as Your Spirit Animal When the bee graces you as your spirit animal, its symbolism holds multifaceted meanings, both interconnected and distinct. Delve into the profound symbolism and embrace the aspects that resonate with your current journey in life. Enveloped within the realm of the bee's symbolism, you may discover the following messages it seeks to convey: ● Embrace the Power of Community: A bee, as a social creature, thrives on the collective strength of its colony. When the bee appears as your spirit animal, it implores you to seek the resources of community, fostering collaborative endeavors and finding support to propel you towards your aspirations. ● Kindle the Fire of Tenacity: The diligent bee emerges as a beacon of unyielding effort, urging you to persevere with resolve or embark on your chosen path with fervor. Embrace its unwavering work ethic, igniting your own drive to march towards success while uplifting and inspiring those around you. ● Harness the Art of Effective Communication: Mirroring the bee's intricate communication system, you're reminded of the potency of skillful and expressive dialogue. Let the bee as your spirit animal inspire you to cultivate clear and resonant communication, ensuring your messages are conveyed with precision and understood by others. ● Embrace Resilience and Adaptability: As a resilient creature, the bee surmounts countless hurdles with grace. Its presence as your spirit animal encourages you to tap into your own reservoirs of strength, adapt to life's challenges, and triumphantly overcome any obstacles that cross your path. Experience your Divine Awakening Feeling lost, stagnant, or confused on your life's journey, and wondering what the next step is? Learn how you can quantum leap into your Divine Awakening and discover your Soul Purpose NOW. Sometimes, we all need a little assistance to get on the right path. We don’t exist in a vacuum, and humans are meant to connect with and help one another. If you can do it alone - wonderful! But, if you feel a bit lost and confused, and want to deep dive into your soul, uncover what’s holding you back, and identify and eliminate the negative karmic patterns that cause you to continue to recreate the same unwanted situations in your life over and over, I’m here to help. I offer my Divinely Aligned Soul Reading to quantum leap the healing process - a truly enlightening and transformational healing and clearing experience - to return your Soul to its original, pure, powerful state, so you can live your Divinity as you were always meant to. Know who you are at soul level, learn to love yourself unconditionally, bring all of your negative karmic patterns into your consciousness and transmute them all into ALIGNMENT with your true Divine Nature. Click for more information: Divinely Aligned Soul Reading From the desk of Neelou Saleh Spirit of Lotus How I can help you: Discover who you are at soul level and quantum leap your healing process with a Divinely Aligned Soul Reading. I have an ever-growing collection of beautiful products in my shop to help you on your journey of awakening, healing, and self-discovery. Or... Book your in-person or distance healing session: Take a walk off the beaten path, and become a Spirit of Lotus Insider. The Spirit of Lotus newsletter is all about exploring the art and science of nurturing the mind, body, and spirit - to facilitate deep healing, inner peace, immense joy, and help you shine as your true, authentic Self. You'll also receive exclusive offers and be the first to know what's new. Subscribe free below. Bonus: New subscribers get a code for 20% OFF your entire purchase in the Cosmic Lotus shop! Animal Spirit Guides: The Bee

  • Ascending To 5D With Crystals

    How to use Earth's enchanting treasures to assist you on your spiritual journey. Are you ready to quantum leap into alignment with your Soul Path? Click to learn more: As an influx of Awakened Souls fervently embrace the path towards attunement and ascension into the realms of 5D consciousness, an ever-expanding tapestry of resources, ideas, and inspiration has appeared to assist in reaching this Enlightened state of being. It’s important, though, that each seeker understand the stages of this process, which always must start with grounding, centering, healing, and releasing, in order to be open to attunement, alignment, and ascension into the Higher Realms of Consciousness. There are many ways to go through this journey, but I have found that using the enchanting power of crystals to assist along the way accelerates the process, making powerful quantum leaps a regular part of the transformational path into 5D. Every step down the path - from grounding, to removing dense energy blocks and healing, to aligning your body’s cells to be more attuned to profound higher states of being - crystals, adorned with captivating beauty and imbued with ancient wisdom, stand as formidable allies to accompany you on your journey. These opulent gems possess an inherent power that resonates within the depths of your being, offering potent assistance as you traverse the path of Enlightenment. Grounding The first phase of any new transformational journey is grounding - clearing, healing, and strengthening the radiant Root Chakra, while connecting energetically and spiritually to the majesty that is Mother Earth. Within the realm of crystalline wonders, a myriad of extraordinary gems are eager to assist you in this transformative journey. Red Jasper, with its fiery energy, anchors you to the Earth's nurturing embrace, igniting courage and vitality within your core. Hematite, a stalwart companion, shields you from negativity, grounding your spirit with unwavering strength. And in the gentle embrace of Smoky Quartz, a mystical veil of protection envelops you, purging stagnant energies and facilitating profound healing. These magnificent crystals, among countless others, beckon you to unlock their profound gifts on your path to ascension. Experience your Divine Awakening Feeling lost, stagnant, or confused on your life's journey, and wondering what the next step is? Learn how you can quantum leap into your Divine Awakening and discover your Soul Purpose NOW. Engaging in a grounding meditation is a sacred act of reconnecting with the Earth's boundless energy and finding inner balance. To deepen this practice, consider incorporating a red jasper, holding it in your hand as you listen to the soothing tones of 396 Hz frequency. Together, they form a harmonious symphony that guides you on a profound journey of stability, tranquility, and restoration. Through this synergistic union, you can unlock the transformative power within and embark on a grounding meditation that nurtures your soul and expands your consciousness. Then, carry that red jasper in your pocket throughout the day to continue harmonizing the natural rhythm of your being. There are many ways to use grounding crystals to assist in this beginning phase of a spiritual journey of ascension. You can wear the crystal in a piece of jewelry, carry it in your pocket, hold it during meditation, place them on and around your body in a crystal layout, make crystal water to drink, and whatever else may feel aligned to your Heart and Soul. Clearing Dense Energy Once you’ve established a grounded and harmonious state, you’ll be ready to embark on the path of clearing dense energies, releasing old patterns and traumas, and dissolving invisible obstacles. The realm of crystals offers a plethora of options to assist you in this sacred process. Crystals like Amethyst, Selenite, and Clear Quartz possess remarkable purifying properties, gently sweeping away stagnant energies and facilitating inner healing. Additionally, working with energy-clearing methods such as smudging with sacred herbs like sage or palo santo, creating crystal grids, or practicing sound therapy with Tibetan singing bowls can further enhance your journey of liberation and renewal. Embrace the boundless possibilities that crystals and various clearing methods present, allowing them to guide you towards the liberation of your spirit and the radiant clarity of your true essence. A beautiful option is elite shungite, which can be held during meditation to gently remove dense energies from your cells and help your body prepare to align to higher vibrations. Goethite can be held over a Chakra that is embedded with persistent blockages from old, stubborn energetic wounds and emotional traumas to clear them out and make way for Creator Substance to come in and heal those wounds. Chakra Balancing When it comes to the vital task of clearing and healing your Chakras, it represents a potent and indispensable step on the path of transformation and ascension. The process itself can be tailored to your unique needs, whether you prefer a simple or more intricate approach. Seeking the guidance of a professional crystal and energy healer can be immensely beneficial, as they possess the expertise to assess and address the state of your Chakras. Through their profound knowledge, they can skillfully employ complex crystal layouts that are precisely attuned to your specific requirements, maximizing the potential for profound healing and rebalancing. Embracing the assistance of these gifted practitioners ensures that your Chakra healing journey is guided by wisdom and supported by the power of crystals, paving the way for a harmonious and vibrant energetic system. For those who are comfortable trying this on their own, listening daily to a Chakra clearing meditation while lying down with coordinating stones on each Chakra can be a gentle way to gradually heal and align the Chakras. There are many wonderful crystals that can be used for this purpose, but an easy-to-obtain set might contain red jasper (root), citrine (sacral), tiger’s eye (solar plexus), aventurine (heart), blue lace agate (throat), amethyst (third eye), and clear quartz (crown). The Ultimate Chakra Clearing Meditation This meditation was the result of my first life-altering, deep healing experience - my first time to do a Chakra meditation. It has become my go-to for rebalancing my Chakras beautifully, every time. These remarkable crystals, despite their accessibility and affordability, possess an awe-inspiring potency that transcends their humble nature. Their intrinsic power is nothing short of breathtaking, capable of creating profound healing and restoring balance with perfect grace. To further your journey of transcendence, you may want to have a crystal to strengthen your Earth Star Chakra, such as a garnet, hematite, or lodestone. This Chakra is your grounding wire to the earth, and supports the Root Chakra, and is also a key to connecting to the 5D energy grid of the earth. Because this process is ultimately to ascend fully to 5D consciousness, strengthening and connecting with the Soul Star Chakra is also a vital step. Some lovely crystals to help with this Chakra might be a cobaltoan calcite, or magenta fluorite. Holding one of these crystals during a 5D ascension meditation, or placing it where this Chakra is located while doing a full Chakra layout will assist in grounding your 5D consciousness down into your 3D reality. Awakening Dormant DNA As you further embark on this wondrous journey, it becomes imperative to awaken the dormant strands of your DNA, harboring within them the boundless knowledge and untapped potential that resides within each of us. These dormant strands hold the key to elevating consciousness and embracing our Soul Purpose in its entirety. As you activate these latent gifts, you unlock the gateway to a profound transformation, propelling you towards a luminous destiny aligned with the essence of your being. There are many methods to activating dormant DNA, and of course, crystals that can help. One example is the enchanting Lemurian seed crystal - special quartz laser points that are embedded with ancient knowledge from the Lemurians. Connecting and meditating with a Lemurian seed crystal, so it will reveal its hidden secrets, will also activate DNA strands in the seeker, bringing them into new state of wisdom and awareness. Another activating and awakening stone is the mysterious Moldavite. This stone is believed to be at least part extra-terrestrial in origin, as it comes from a location that was struck by a meteor a long time ago. Moldavite has been considered a sacred and powerful spiritual stone for thousands of years, and continues to play an important and ever-increasing role in the process of the spiritual awakening and elevation of humanity. Communicating with your Angels and Spirit Guides All spiritual seekers are better off for developing open communication with their Angels and Spirit Guides. Opening the Throat Chakra with the assistance of Angelite will help open the channels of communication with your angels. For connecting with and receiving messages from your Spirit Guides, go to sleep with a Dream Quartz nearby, wear an opal, or try meditating with selenite or smokey quartz. Advancing on the journey of transformation and ascension requires embracing a profound state of self-knowledge, allowing one to navigate the depths of their Divine Soul Blueprint. In this transformative expedition, the mineral Astrophyllite emerges as a magnificent ally, offering invaluable assistance along your path. Through its mystical properties, Astrophyllite unveils hidden truths and guides you towards the illumination of your authentic self, enabling a harmonious union with your Divine Essence. Embrace this luminous mineral as a beacon of wisdom on your transformative journey, illuminating the path to self-discovery and soulful exploration. 5D Awareness Ascension When the seeker has fully integrated through the many stages of this spiritual adventure, and is ready to take ascension to the next level, the radiant presence of a majestic Herkimer diamond becomes an influential companion. However, you may discover an even deeper resonance with the ethereal energies of Barite or Calcite, enhancing your ascension meditation experience to sublime levels. Remember, it is essential to follow the path that aligns most harmoniously with your unique energy and heartfelt intentions, for therein lies the true essence of spiritual growth and transcendence. This journey has many stages and will continue on even past ascension of full awareness into your 5th dimensional aspect, as once you find your Soul Path and Divine Soul Blueprint, that’s when a whole new adventure begins. And, as always, there’s a perfect crystal for that. Awaken to your Divinity Feeling lost, stagnant, or confused on your life's journey, and wondering what the next step is? Click the button below for my free mini eBook "Discover Your Soul Purpose" Sometimes, we all need a little assistance to get on the right path. We don’t exist in a vacuum, and humans are meant to connect with and help one another. If you can do it alone - wonderful! But, if you feel a bit lost and confused, and want to deep dive into your soul, uncover what’s holding you back, and identify and eliminate the negative karmic patterns that cause you to continue to recreate the same unwanted situations in your life over and over, I’m here to help. I offer my Divinely Aligned Soul Reading to quantum leap the healing process - a truly enlightening and transformational healing and clearing experience - to return your Soul to its original, pure, powerful state, so you can live your Divinity as you were always meant to. Know who you are at soul level, learn to love yourself unconditionally, bring all of your negative karmic patterns into your consciousness and transmute them all into ALIGNMENT with your true Divine Nature. Click for more information: Divinely Aligned Soul Reading From the desk of Neelou Saleh Spirit of Lotus How I can help you: Discover who you are at soul level and quantum leap your healing process with a Divinely Aligned Soul Reading. I have an ever-growing collection of beautiful products in my shop to help you on your journey of awakening, healing, and self-discovery. Or... Book your in-person or distance healing session: Take a walk off the beaten path, and become a Spirit of Lotus Insider. The Spirit of Lotus newsletter is all about exploring the art and science of nurturing the mind, body, and spirit - to facilitate deep healing, inner peace, immense joy, and help you shine as your true, authentic Self. You'll also receive exclusive offers and be the first to know what's new. Subscribe free below. Bonus: New subscribers get a code for 20% OFF your entire purchase in the Cosmic Lotus shop! Ascending to 5D with crystals

  • Could you be cursed?

    What does it mean to be cursed? How can you tell if you're cursed? What can you do about it? A word from Neelou... Are you ready to quantum leap into alignment with your Soul Path? Click to learn more: Curse. Hex. Jinx. Bad juju. The Evil Eye. Those are some heavy words. It might creep you out a little just reading them. Have you ever been affected? Would you know if you were? The issue of curses has been in the human psyche for thousands of years. Some believe it's nonsense, but others...the thought of being cursed strikes a crippling fear in their hearts. I imagine many people fall somewhere on the spectrum in between those two. After all, think about how many times you've knocked on wood, even half-heartedly. But, are curses really real? And can you be impacted by someone sending a hex your way? The answer is yes, they are a thing. BUT - they aren't what you think. And you aren't a victim. I recently had an interesting conversation in a group on a certain well-known social media website. Someone posted to the group that they were afraid they had been cursed by their ex-husband's father, who practiced, I believe she said, Santeria (no shade on those who do, this was just what she posted). These were her words, and her concern. She stated some bad things that had happened to her recently, though didn't say why she specifically thought it was due to this particular person. It was a very fear-based kind of post, by someone who seemed genuinely afraid some bad ju-ju that she had no control over had been thrust upon her, and she wanted to know how or if she could remove it. I rarely ever post in these groups or respond to anyone, but this post popped up in my feed and drew my attention. My first thought was I wanted to empower this girl and help allay her fears. I told her that no one could place ill intentions on her without her permission. Though, it's very possible to unconsciously give permission if on some level you agree with that person that you deserve "xyz...". It's prudent to be honest with yourself and admit if on some level you agree that you deserve these bad things. It doesn't mean you do deserve them, just that on some level, you perceive that you do. You are the Divine Creator of your reality. I mentioned some techniques she could use to go through the process of release if that wasn't satisfying enough to her thinking mind. Sometimes, people need to feel they're doing something tangible, and that's okay. Once I typed my answer, I hit enter and moved on, not thinking anything more about it. Well, we all know how social media can be (which is why I tend to avoid it - the interactions are often too energy draining!). I thought it was no big deal to give my perspective, and allow the girl who posted to take it or leave it as she saw fit. I let myself forget for a moment that there are all kinds of people online, reading the posts, and if you say something they disagree with...they are going to tell you allll about it. But, I'm glad they did, because this is an important topic. It turned out my empowering post was very triggering to several people. They insisted there were a few people they knew who would "beg to differ" - implying they had placed curses on these people. There were people who insisted that no matter how much protection you place on yourself, someone else can hex you and it WILL affect you, gosh darn it. They were absolutely not happy with the idea that we each have control over this kind of thing for ourselves. Well, not to be contentious, but nothing they said actually disproved my point. Perhaps some of them successfully placed curses on other people (or they could be wrongly attributing the results of those people's poor choices as the result of their curses), but maybe their "victims" deep down thought they deserved it, so were unconsciously allowing it. And, their point about putting up protection for yourself that doesn't work? Well, how will that protection help you if you allow the curse to take effect by your own beliefs about yourself? Why did you think you needed protection? Perhaps, because deep down you agree that something you did deserves negative consequences...Perhaps. Or maybe not. Now, whether or not anyone "deserves" negative consequences depends on several factors (ultimately determined by the steadfast laws of Karma), but even if it isn't otherwise deserved, a poor self perception can cause anyone to allow it to happen. What is a curse? Curse, hex, the evil eye…different names for essentially the same thing. These all fall under what I call negative intentions or negative thought forms. Negative intentions and negative thought forms can be created by anyone (not just those practicing some form of magic) who expend a large amount of energy and thought intending to direct negative consequences at another person. If someone else places a negative intention on you or directs a negative thought form at you - and on some level you agree with it, or behave in a way that indicates you’re guilty - you accept that negative intention and it affects your choices and habits and can create negative consequences - thereby, you’re "cursed". If you don't agree with that person, however, their negative intention doesn't affect you. It bounces right off. It's your choice. But, that can be tricky. How can I tell if I’m cursed? You might think that someone placed a curse on you if you're suddenly having a string of things going wrong in your life, especially if those things all seem to have the same theme, or are in a particular area of your life. You may have a suspicion that it’s a curse causing these things, because you’re aware of somebody who is angry with you and would wish negative consequences on you. Maybe you have continued to struggle to find a successful relationship ever since a bad breakup that left your ex very angry with you. It's always possible in this kind of situation that your ex spent a lot of time and energy cursing you to spend your life alone, out of their anger and hurt. And if on some level you felt that you wronged them and were guilty of something, or if you behaved in a way that would indicate that you’re guilty of whatever they're accusing you of, you could have allowed their ill wishes to take effect. This is just an example. The reality is, it could be exactly that, or it could be a number of other karmic patterns that we create that hold us back in life. Us humans are so good at the whole self-sabotage thing. Experience your Divine Awakening Feeling lost, stagnant, or confused on your life's journey, and wondering what the next step is? Learn how you can quantum leap into your Divine Awakening and discover your Soul Purpose NOW. Perhaps you have found yourself creating the exact same situation in your life over and over and over again. Maybe with different people or in different places. but the circumstances tends to look the same - over and over again. This is a situation that could indicate a curse that is carried over from a past life. Or, maybe not a curse, but could be due to some other karmic pattern that carried over from a previous lifetime. There's also such a thing as generational curses. The one thing to keep in mind, no matter what the cause of your misfortune, is that it’s always fixable - because, as I love to reiterate, you are the Divine Creator of your own reality. No one can place a curse, an intention, a negative thought form or any other kind of constraint or limitation on you without your agreement. The complication of being human is - we aren't always conscious of that agreement. How do I get rid of a curse? The first step to getting rid of any kind of negative influence over you is consciousness. There are so many types of conditioning, programming, or limitations that control our behavior and choices from behind the curtain - hidden in our subconscious. You need to bring these negative influences into your conscious mind. These karmic patterns we create cause huge blind spots in our perception of ourselves and the world around us. It can take some effort to delve deep and pull back the curtain on these subconscious patterns. It’s all in your perspective. Not everyone is ready for personal power. With power, comes responsibility. This is the reason those poor souls immediately got defensive in response to my post that was intended only to be helpful and EMPOWERING. Let's break down what they were saying here. They insisted they could place curses on other people, who were then affected and supposedly had no choice in the matter. They also insisted that despite all efforts to self-protect, they were sometimes affected by the curses of others (I don't know who they hang out with, but it sounds like an awful lot of curses are being slung around in their worlds). They were in effect saying…that we each have more control over other people than they do…and that other people have more control over each of us than we do. So, humans have more control over OTHER humans than they do themselves? It's true...for those who allow this to be their reality. Some people are still in this mindset because they are young - they simply don't have enough experience in their current lifetime to have come to any other awareness yet, but they will. Others truly aren't there yet on their soul journey, for any time within their current life. That's fine. We're all wherever we're supposed to be on our soul path. Here's some food for thought, though. This kind of thinking accomplishes two things. One, it removes perceived responsibility from oneself for the negative consequences experienced in life. And, two, it gives one a feeling of power over other people - which is desirable for those who don't feel they have power over themselves. Unfortunately, this is very disempowering, and counterintuitive - because you don't have power without responsibility. Not everyone wants to be responsible for their own lives, especially if they aren’t happy with what they’re creating. Responsibility. That's no fun, right? Mmm, well, let's try a different perspective. With responsibility comes power. Over yourself. The only thing you truly have power over is you - how YOU choose to respond to things. The choices that YOU make in your everyday life. Whether or not YOU believe you deserve to have unfortunate things happen to you, and whether or not YOU act in alignment with your Divine Soul. So, yes, curses are a thing, so to speak. But, you're not a victim. It's important to know that. It's empowering to know that. Be empowered. It's your life - you and only you are the Divine Creator of your own reality. Responsibility is FUN, because that's where you get to make your life whatever YOU want it to be. What if I need help? Sometimes, we all need a little assistance to get on the right path. We don’t exist in a vacuum, and humans are meant to connect with and help one another. If you can do it alone - wonderful! But, if you feel a bit lost and confused, and want to deep dive into your soul, uncover what’s holding you back, and identify and eliminate the negative karmic patterns and energetic blocks (curses included!) that cause you to continue to recreate the same unwanted situations in your life over and over, I’m here to help. I offer my Divinely Aligned Soul Reading to quantum leap the healing process - a truly enlightening and transformational healing and clearing experience - to return your Soul to its original, pure, powerful state, so you can live your Divinity as you were always meant to. Know who you are at soul level, learn to love yourself unconditionally, bring all of your negative karmic patterns into your consciousness and transmute them all into ALIGNMENT with your true Divine Nature. Click for more information: Divinely Aligned Soul Reading From the desk of Neelou Saleh Spirit of Lotus How I can help you: Discover who you are at soul level and quantum leap your healing process with a Divinely Aligned Soul Reading. I have an ever-growing collection of beautiful products in my shop to help you on your journey of awakening, healing, and self-discovery. Or... Book your in-person or distance healing session: Take a walk off the beaten path, and become a Spirit of Lotus Insider. The Spirit of Lotus newsletter is all about exploring the art and science of nurturing the mind, body, and spirit - to facilitate deep healing, inner peace, immense joy, and help you shine as your true, authentic Self. You'll also receive exclusive offers and be the first to know what's new. Subscribe free below. Bonus: New subscribers get a code for 20% OFF your entire purchase in the Cosmic Lotus shop! Are you cursed to be alone?

  • 111, 222, 333, 444, 555...What does it mean?

    Do you find yourself noticing the same repeating numbers all the time? You glance at the clock, and it's 2:22. You click on an article you want to read, and there are 222 comments. You're pulling up to a line of cars at a red light, and notice the license plate of the car in front of you reads...222. What is this all about? These numerical messages are often referred to as Angel Numbers. They're a way for your Angels, Spirit Guides, the Universe, your Higher Consciousness, or whomever you appeal to for Divine Guidance, to communicate messages to you, to help you continue to elevate into your highest potential. Seeing Angel numbers is often the first sign of your spiritual awakening process - it's an effective way for your Angels and Guides to start getting your attention and seeking more information. This will hopefully lead you on a journey of expanded awareness and consciousness, and, ultimately, down the path of your intended soul purpose. Seeing Angel Numbers means you are open to spiritual guidance, and are receiving important messages to assist you on your path. Here's a quick overview of some of the different numbers, and the messages they deliver. Grab this FREE Angel Number Keywords chart! Keep this beautiful chart handy to interpret the Divine Angelic messages you receive. Print it out or keep it on your phone for quick reference whenever you notice Angel Numbers appearing in your life! 111 When you see the number 111 repeatedly, your angels or guides are telling you to watch your thoughts carefully, because this is a period of great manifestation. Your thoughts will manifest into reality, so be sure to communicate to the Universe what you want, NOT what you don't want. 111 tells you lots of change is coming, but not to worry, as it's all for your Highest Good. It's a time of positive change, and keeping your thoughts positive to support these changes and manifest your greatest desires is important. This is a sign of new beginnings, moving forward, great success, and inspiration. 222 Perhaps your number that keeps showing up is 222. This number is a great helper, signifying a need for balance in your life. Repeating two's are a reference to the dualities of life, and the necessary balance between them - light and dark, male and female, good and evil, indifference and love, etc.. On the more mundane, it can apply to a need to balance work and home, adult relationships with caring for children, and serving the many roles we find ourselves in. Maintaining balance and harmony is an ongoing journey, and the angels are here to support you in that endeavor. This angel number is also a reminder to keep pushing forward on the path of your life's purpose, and to focus on the positive so you don't get trapped in a feedback loop of negativity and become stagnant. Be patient and persistent, as everything happens with perfect Divine timing, and you will find your positive focus soon manifesting into your perfect desired outcome. 333 The number 3 is a lucky number associated with positivity, creativity, creation, and abundance. The number 333 is all of this magnified, and more. The odds are in your favor. The angels want you to know you are on the right path of fulfilling your purpose, and to continue forward with focus. Go ahead and forge ahead with what you know to be the right thing for you. The angels are here to protect and support you, and are amazed with what you have accomplished. This is a sign that you have accomplished much personal and spiritual growth, and to continue on that journey. You are capable of having an incredible positive impact on others, and as you continue to fulfill your life's purpose, you will do just that. Keep growing, keep learning, keep developing your talents, and you will reap the rewards of true fulfillment. Experience your Divine Awakening Feeling lost, stagnant, or confused on your life's journey, and wondering what the next step is? Learn how you can quantum leap into your Divine Awakening and discover your Soul Purpose NOW. 444 If you're seeing the number 444 often, it's time to take inspired action! Your angels are near, and you need only ask for assistance to receive it. The Universe supports your endeavors and is encouraging you to continue pushing forward. You possess all the abilities and characteristics you need to succeed, and with the Divine there to back you up, you will get amazing results for your efforts. Now is the time to take action and build a strong foundation for working to accomplish your long term goals. 555 Seeing this number repeatedly is a sign of big changes to come, but don't worry, as these are positive changes that bring you closer in alignment to your authentic purpose. This is also a time of releasing what does not serve your Highest Good - old fears and resentments, negative thought patterns and habits, or even those around you that are holding you back or bringing you down. This is a time of making intentional choices, to move you closer to fulfilling your true purpose and living up to your true potential. The Universe doesn't want to pull the rug out from under you, but make you aware of the positive changes to come so you can work in alignment with those changes to serve your Highest Good. Out with the old, in with the new! 1111 1111 is a particularly powerful and significant Angel number that carries a beautiful message from Higher dimensions. The significance of four 1's together, when seen repeatedly, often indicates a new level of spiritual awakening and enlightenment. This number implies an amplified ability to manifest, so watch your thoughts and intentions more carefully, and focus your energy and actions on doing what will bring you more of what you want in your life. 1111 can also be a message from your Angels that you're on the right path, and they are encouraging you to pursue your dreams and fulfill your soul purpose. There are many different number combinations that it's possible for you to see, but those above are the most common and often the most noticeable (you can sign up to receive the Angel Keywords Chart for all of these plus four additional angel numbers). Above all else, these are attempts from your Angels and the Universe to communicate important messages to you, so always pay attention and look into the deeper meaning of those messages. You'll always be grateful you did, and grateful for the Divine love and support you receive. From the desk of Neelou Saleh Spirit of Lotus How I can help you: Discover who you are at soul level and quantum leap your healing process with a Divinely Aligned Soul Reading. I have an ever-growing collection of beautiful products in my shop to help you on your journey of awakening, healing, and self-discovery. Or... Book your in-person or distance healing session: Take a walk off the beaten path, and become a Spirit of Lotus Insider. The Spirit of Lotus newsletter is all about exploring the art and science of nurturing the mind, body, and spirit - to facilitate deep healing, inner peace, immense joy, and help you shine as your true, authentic Self. You'll also receive exclusive offers and be the first to know what's new. Subscribe free below. Bonus: New subscribers get a code for 20% OFF your entire purchase in the Cosmic Lotus shop! 111, 222, 333, 444, 555...What does it mean?

  • A Simple Meditation (NOT Medication!) For Pain Relief

    How to harness the mind's power of the "placebo effect" for relief RIGHT NOW from minor pain and ailments. Most people are aware of the placebo effect - the phenomenon that occurs when someone is given a placebo instead of actual medicine, but receives the healing benefits anyway. It's not magic. It's the incredible power of the mind. When we believe we received something that's going to make us better, our minds take over and bring relief, healing, and balance to the body. The mind is powerful, indeed, but most of us have no idea how to access that power. This is something I started thinking a lot about not terribly long ago. I decided I was going to figure out how to use this ability of my mind for pain relief and healing. I have a chronic inflammatory condition, and a physically demanding job, not to mention headaches - sometimes the regular kind and sometimes the migraine variety. Pain was a part of my daily life; sometimes annoying, other times debilitating, and I was fed up with taking pain relievers just to function. I've spent many years on the path of holistic health, and have found natural alternatives for a number of ailments, but the persistent inflammatory pain I dealt with wasn't one of them. Not many options worked, either, so the pain was often just down to "tolerable", rather than gone. I've been meditating and practicing energy healing for many years, but somehow hadn't thought to focus these practices specifically onto my own physical pain (we all too often forget to use our skills to help ourselves, don't we?). I had discovered the amazing anti-inflammatory benefits of celery juice, and that helped tremendously with my pain issues, but sometimes I would still get headaches, or go overboard working out or working and my joints would suffer. Experience your Divine Awakening Feeling lost, stagnant, or confused on your life's journey, and wondering what the next step is? Learn how you can quantum leap into your Divine Awakening and discover your Soul Purpose NOW. I refused to resort back to medication (I have not taken so much as an Advil or Tylenol in two years), so one day, as I was lying on the couch with a headache, I focused inwardly and went through a simple process of visualizing powerful imagery to bring myself healing. I only spent a few minutes focused on this imagery, but low and behold, in less than twenty minutes, my headache was completely gone. I was amazed that not only did it work, but it worked quickly, and completely. Since then, anytime I feel pain or feel unwell, I spend a few minutes on this visualization, and before I know it, all is well. I've used it for headaches, indigestion, cramps, muscle pain, and joint pain. I haven't taken any medications in six months. I do this imagery wherever I am in the moment when it's needed. No need to sit in any particular position, or be in a quiet isolated space, like you might normally do to meditate. When you need pain relief, you need it, regardless of what's going on. So, get as comfortable as you can, close your eyes, and begin. Imagine a river of bright, white, shimmery, healing life energy flowing from the center of the Universe, down to the top of your head. See that brilliant beautiful healing energy from the Universe flowing into your crown Chakra (at the crown of your head), down through your head and face, down your neck, through your shoulders, down your arms right through to the fingertips, down and all throughout your torso, through your hips, and down your legs right through to the tips of your toes. The healing light is infusing into every cell and molecule of your entire being, shining and sparkling, nourishing you, and bringing healing and balance. Continue to visualize this healing light energy, and as you do, imagine that it glows extra bright anywhere you are experiencing pain. In those areas where you are experiencing pain, see the light shine a sparkling green, for healing. Then see it alternate to a sparkling blue, to soothe pain and inflammation. As the healing light continues to nurture your entire body, see it extra bright, alternating slowly between green and blue, in the areas where you're experiencing pain. You can do this for a few minutes, or as long as you like. You may find that your pain is subsiding as you visualize, or you may stop your visualization, and soon after realize you are feeling much better. This is the exact imagery I use to relieve minor pain and ailments without any medication. It gives the brain what it needs to believe that healing is occurring, and so it happens. It's helped me so much, I couldn't keep it to myself, and I sincerely hope it helps you, too. From the desk of Neelou Saleh Spirit of Lotus Book your in-person or distance healing session: Take a step off the beaten path, and become a Spirit of Lotus Insider. The Soul Haven newsletter is all about exploring the art and science of nurturing the mind, body, and spirit - to facilitate deep healing, inner peace, immense joy, and help you shine as your true, authentic Self. You'll also receive exclusive offers and be the first to know what's new. Subscribe free below. Bonus: New subscribers get a code for 20% OFF your entire purchase in the Cosmic Lotus Shop!

  • A note, and a theme, for the New Year

    How to set the stage for the best year of your life - no resolutions required. Several years ago, in lieu of making New Year’s resolutions, I started choosing a word, or a theme, for the year. I found this to work somewhat better, because it gave me one point of focus for my choices to revolve around. I like this, because it’s both focused and fluid at the same time. It’s not about reaching a specific goal (which has often felt stifling for me), as much as shifting myself into a new vibrational pattern. It’s about making true lifestyle changes, or fundamentally changing an aspect of myself and my life I want to improve. One year, I chose “organization”, because my biggest desire was to be more organized. It made sense, was practical, and helped motivate me to take action to embody that energy. I even hired a professional organizer to help me along, and she was fabulous! But, sometimes I tried to be too clever, and my word somewhat missed the mark for what I was going for. I once chose the word “expansion”. I thought it sounded good, but found it didn’t give me the sense of direction I wanted out of a chosen theme. The problem, I realize now, was that I didn’t give myself a clear frame of reference and define what I really meant by “expansion”. If you want to choose a theme for yourself, make sure you define what you mean by this theme, so you can take clear, actionable steps to start embodying that theme. If you can’t take action, you can’t affect the change you want. This year, when I started to think about my word, one floated right to the front of my mind and just sparkled. ALIGNMENT. This is it. This is my word. What do I mean by alignment? This word might mean different things to different people. I know if I’m going to live by this theme, I have to define it for myself and create a frame of reference I can flow within. For a guided journey into deeper into your mind to heal through self discovery, check out my downloadable Self Discovery Journal, and get started on your new path to inner wellness today! For me, embodying alignment is making choices and taking actions that are in alignment with my divine soul blueprint. It’s about matching the vibrational frequency of my everyday life with my soul path. Making choices and taking only the actions that move me closer and closer to being fully in sync with my divine true nature. Embodying alignment requires transformation. Transformation requires shedding all that’s not me - the programming, conditioning, low vibrational energies and thoughtforms, beliefs, egoic identities, etc., that are not me. We all carry these things around, most of which we aren’t even conscious of, and they influence the decisions we make every day. Yes, this work requires actually knowing who I am at soul level, which is something I’ve been delving deeply into. And yes, it requires a lot of implementation of methods of uncovering and revealing all of the layers of “stuff” to shed away. That’s a process I’ve been doing for a very long time, but have greatly accelerated in recent times. Yes, it also means shifting my paradigm around what kinds of choices and actions equate to living my divinity (this is the fun part!). And, yes, it also requires making new decisions that are more in alignment with my soul, which means stepping outside the “comfort zone” of what I’ve gotten used to. The rewards and results of this work are blessings immeasurable. Truly, but more on that later. This adventure of alignment is something I’ve been on for over two decades, though I was somewhat sidetracked at times (and that’s okay!). However, I inadvertently found myself diving much more deeply into it these past two years, laying the foundations for the next phase of the journey. So, that is my theme, and this is my path forward. To that end, I have some beautiful and exciting offerings coming down the line very soon to help others get in alignment with their own divine soul blueprints. I’m not quite ready to make any official announcements just yet, but very much looking forward to it. In the meantime, my best advice is to remember to be present. To be in the now, this present moment - which is, of course, all we ever really have. Be present, be grounded, and you will be ready for the next step. P.S. If you need help getting yourself grounded and present, I can always help with that, either in person or remotely. My sessions are wonderful for clearing away the low vibes, removing dense energy blockages, and getting you back on your proverbial feet. From the desk of Neelou Saleh Spirit of Lotus How I can help you: I have an ever-growing collection of beautiful products in my shop to help you on your journey of awakening, healing, and self-discovery. Or... Book your in-person or distance healing session: Take a walk off the beaten path, and become a Spirit of Lotus Insider. The Soul Haven newsletter is all about exploring the art and science of nurturing the mind, body, and spirit - to facilitate deep healing, inner peace, immense joy, and help you shine as your true, authentic Self. You'll also receive exclusive offers and be the first to know what's new. Subscribe free below. Bonus: New subscribers get a code for 20% OFF your entire purchase in the Soul Haven shop!

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