Stop and smell the roses...
In a busy world, it can be difficult to keep oneself grounded and centered.

With the many billboards, cars, commercials, airports, electronics, etc., people often find themselves bombarded with too much stimulation, and surrounded by cement and noisy, polluting engines. Taking the time to connect with nature is among the most effective ways to stay centered, yet many of us are so used to being disconnected that it can actually take a bit of effort to do this.
What’s worse, many have forgotten how to connect with nature – to truly let go of oneself and take it all in, become one with the natural abundance all around.
You must set aside a little time, go outside, and let go of thinking. Relax, clear your mind, and just feel. Sit down on the grass or up against a tree, get down on the level of the smallest creatures of this world and become a part of their existence for a little while. Turn around and take a good, close look at that tree you are leaning on. You will find an entire little world on that one tree – snails, insects, moss, all making their homes there. Observe the crevices and colors of the trunk. Feel it gently with your fingers, and open your mind to the energy of the spirit within. All trees, plants, animals, stones, everything, have spirits within, guiding them and caring for them, the same as humans. And they love to be loved and appreciated, just like anyone else.
Most people think flowers are pretty, but have you ever really looked at one? Pick one flower, just one, and let yourself be mesmerized by the colorful characteristics and beauty of that flower. Notice the curve of each petal, the scent, the way the leaves grow on its stem. Connect with that flower, become one with it.
Allow yourself to love that one beautiful, perfect flower.
There is so much to be learned from a flower, or a tree, or a tiny, busy little insect.
When a person takes the time to connect with the world on that level, they often gain inner peace and a greater appreciation for this beautiful planet that is our home and for life itself. Instead of killing the spider, let it out. It is a living creature in its own right, and intends no harm to you. When you happen upon a colony of snails, which you are much more likely to do if you are getting close to the earth and observing those tiny details, watch those beautiful creatures carefully and learn from them, love them. Become aware of how precious that little bird singing on the branch truly is. When you tune into what is around you, the awe at what Mother Nature is capable of is unbelievable. You will begin to see the miracle of it all, rather than taking our amazing world for granted. A person does not have to live in a rural area to connect with nature – even your houseplants are products of nature.
The perfect cure for feeling stressed and disconnected – a date with the great outdoors, even if it is your backyard or patio! There is nothing more inspiring and grounding than what Mother Nature has to offer.
To dive more deeply into the journey of staying centered and balanced, download my Chakra Clearing Meditation. This process supports emotional and spiritual growth, reduces blood pressure and induces a deep sense of relaxation, increases focus in daily life, and so much more.
From the desk of Neelou Saleh Spirit of Lotus