How To Tell Which Of Your Chakras Are Out Of Balance
You've heard about Chakras, but what do they do, and how do you know which of yours need help?

In yoga traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, Chakras are spiraling energy centers in the body through which we interact with our subtle energy fields. There are seven main Chakras, and when these Chakras become imbalanced or the energy flow is running a bit sluggish, we become imbalanced and sometimes ill. Illness can manifest physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. It is essential to open up, clear, and balance these energy centers in the body as part of our whole system wellness.
So, how do you know which of your Chakras are calling for help? Below you will find an overview of the aspects of each Chakra, the areas of the body they each influence, and what signs and symptoms can clue you in to which of yours may be experiencing an imbalance.
Root Chakra
The proper Sanskrit name for the Root Chakra is Muladhara. It's red in color and located at the base of your tailbone.
This Chakra is your connection to your family and ancestors, your connection to the Earth and to your body, the source of your survival instincts, vigor, movement, and grounding.
The areas of the body influenced by the Root Chakra are the spinal cord, legs, feet, blood, bladder, immune system, male reproductive organs, rectum and kidneys.
Some signs that your Root Chakra may be blocked or out of balance are a lack of confidence, depression, suicidal thoughts, greediness, bossiness, fearfulness, paranoia, hyperactivity, addiction, eating disorders, back pain, stiffness, clumsiness, low blood pressure, obesity, bladder infections, or problems with any of the other corresponding body parts.

To learn more about determining which of your Chakras are strongest and weakest, and how to balance and heal your Chakras, check out my Chakra Wellness Guide.
This guide is the answer to a question many clients ask me: "How do I heal and balance my Chakras?"
There are many ways to do that, so I laid it all out right here.
Sacral Chakra
The proper Sanskrit name of the Sacral Chakra is Svadhishthana. It's orange in color and located a couple of inches below the navel.
This Chakra is the source of your creativity, sensuality, reproduction, ability to develop relationships, self gratification, emotions, and nurturing.
The areas of the body influenced by the Sacral Chakra are the skin, stomach, liver, spleen, gall bladder, female reproductive organs, pancreas, and upper intestines.
Some of the signs that your Sacral Chakra may blocked or out of balance are feeling distrustful, overly ambitious, being self-serving, a failure to nurture, blocked creativity being antisocial or shy, a lack of sexual desire or feeling sexual guilt, being inflexible or overly sensitive, suffering from urinary tract problems, poor circulation, allergies, constipation, lack of energy, muscle cramps/stiffness, or problems with any of the other corresponding body parts.

Grab this FREE Chakra Crystals reference chart!
Solar Plexus Chakra
The proper Sanskrit name of the Solar Plexus Chakra is Manipura. It's yellow in color and located a couple of inches above the navel.
This Chakra is the source of your personal power and willpower, your ego projections and consciousness of being, your vital energy, responsibility, and definition of self.
Body parts influenced by the Solar Plexus Chakra are the upper abdomen, intestines, umbilicus, middle spine, liver, stomach, adrenals, and spleen.
Signs of a blockage or imbalance could be a lack of ambition, feeling helpless or unmotivated, being irresponsible, feeling timid or fearful, having anger and rage, having a low self esteem, irritability, being constipated, having digestive issues, diabetes, fatigue, gallstones, experiencing excessive weight gain or loss, or problems with other corresponding body parts.

Heart Chakra
The proper Sanskrit name of the Heart Chakra is Anahata. It's green in color and located in the center of your chest.
The Heart Chakra is the source of love, self acceptance, compassion, forgiveness, and tolerance.

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The body parts influenced by this Chakra are the heart, lungs, rib cage, breasts, hands, arms, shoulders, esophagus, thymus, and the circulatory system.
Signs of imbalance may be a cold demeanor, being negative and pessimistic, having difficulty in relationships, being demanding, jealous, and possessive, co-dependency, being critical, feeling lonely and shy, being vengeful, lacking compassion, high blood pressure, insomnia, immune system issues, respiratory issues, heart and circulatory problems, or problems with other corresponding body parts.

Throat Chakra
The proper Sanskrit name for the Throat Chakra is Visuddha. It's blue in color and located in the center of your throat.
The Throat Chakra is the source of your communication, self expression, truth, integrity, creativity, and listening ability.
Body parts influenced by the Throat Chakra include the throat, mouth, teeth, gums, cervical spine, thyroid, trachea, and nerves.
Possible signs of blockages or an imbalance in the Throat Chakra include dishonesty, talking too much or too little, being arrogant, having poor communication skills, a lack of imagination, difficulty expressing one's thoughts, restlessness, trouble finding the right career, recurring sore throat, frequent colds, thyroid issues, neck pain and stiffness, swollen glands, or problems with other corresponding body parts.

To connect with, heal, and cleanse all of your Chakras, check out my Chakra Clearing Guided Meditation.
This meditation was the result of my first life-altering, deep healing experience - my first time to do a Chakra meditation.
Third Eye Chakra
The proper Sanskrit name for the Third Eye Chakra is Ajna. It's indigo in color and located between the eyebrows.
The Third Eye Chakra is the source of your intuition, intellect, visualization, self reflection, and wisdom.
Body parts influenced by this Chakra are the brain, pituitary gland, pineal gland, ears, eyes, and nose.
Signs of imbalances or blockages in the Third Eye Chakra may be a lack of self-discipline, authoritarianism, egomania, fear of success, ridiculing others, shifting the blame to others, inability to develop creative ideas, eyesight/vision problems, sinus problems, headaches and migraines, sleep issues, poor memory, or other issues with corresponding body parts.

Crown Chakra
The proper Sanskrit name of the Crown Chakra is Sahasrara. It's purple in color and located on the crown of the head.
The Crown Chakra is your source of connection to your Higher Self and Universal Consciousness, enlightenment, self-knowledge, transformation, and integration.
Body parts that are influenced by this Chakra are the brain, pineal gland, pituitary gland, and nervous system.
Possible signs of blockage or imbalance in the Crown Chakra are feelings of despair and/or apathy, deep psychological problems, feeling that life is stagnant and meaningless, spiritual growth is stagnated, being destructive to oneself and others, confusion, deficient energy, disassociation, frequent migraines, depression, and other problems with corresponding body parts.

The good news is that you can take action on your own, or with help, to clear, heal, and rebalance your Chakras. The affirmations above are a small first step, but there are many powerful techniques - meditation, crystal healing, and energy healing such as Reiki, to name a few.
P.S. Chakra meditations changed my life! Check out this beautiful and powerful guided visual Chakra Clearing Meditation available for download.
In-office Chakra balancing services offered:
From the desk of Neelou Saleh Spirit of Lotus