The Art of Everyday Living
"Impermanence is the nature of the human condition."

There is a Zen notion I am rather fond of called Wabi Sabi. It can be described as a fleeting, imperfect, accidental beauty - unpretentious, simple, and intimate.
Wabi Sabi. It's the weathering of a statue, the nicks of time on furniture, the scarring of old bronze, the crawling of moss on stone, and even the natural aging process of a human being.
It's that last bit, that applies so directly to the experience of being human, that I want to focus on today. Wabi sabi embraces the natural process of growth, decay, and death. It is about accepting the impermanence of everything in life, including life itself.
It may be silly, but when it comes to everyday life, remembering the beauty of wabi sabi can do wonders for relieving stress or disappointment. When your favorite shoes start showing signs of wear and don't look quite so pretty anymore. When you lose an earring. When you look in the mirror on the morning of your 30th birthday and see the first signs of crows feet around your eyes (funny how it seems to work that way, right?).
You can fully mourn the loss of what was, while knowing ultimately that it doesn't matter in the big picture, and that nothing is meant to be forever. You can live your human experience to the fullest while knowing that your suffering is not because of impermanence, but because of your reaction to impermanence.
You can live your human experience to the fullest while knowing that your suffering is not because of impermanence, but because of your reaction to impermanence.
To forget the truth of impermanence is to forget the truth of life.
Life is about embracing each moment as it happens, and being able to see the beauty in each of those fleeting, beautiful, perfectly imperfect moments as they are gifted to you.

FREE Take the Wabi Sabi Path to Greater Happiness checklist! Includes 13 ways to incorporate Wabi Sabi into your everyday life for both home and work.
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From the desk of Neelou Saleh Spirit of Lotus
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